Is there a difference between console and PC?
Like is the game much easier to play on of then console. And is the game only being updated around PC? I read a post before where a guy says skills checks are so much easier on PC cuz of no delay. But is navigating the map easier on PC too? How much is different? Ty for your answers. I'm a PS4 player so idk if I'm missing…
How would a killer perk that. Allows a killer to see who is on a gen while in a chase?
I know this is pretty stupid. It's just a quick thought as I have to get back to work. But im sure guy guys can make so thing of this. the idea is that that the killer can make a decision to stick to a chase or move on to a different chase immediately removing somone from a gen. Say it may only activate if a Chase last for…
Group up to SWF?
Okay so I see see alot of people complaining about being a solo surviver and not having good team. Usually when I play a game, and want a good team. I play with randoms and nitpick the good ones and group up with them. Making a good team. We then practice games till we get good strategys. So has no one else tried to do…
Why quit the game?
I usually read every and any post people makes. Gaining info on how people play and what's wrong with the game. But after seeing a post of a guy admitting to quiting a game just to screw with other players. You guys complain about the keys, and moris. Just let it all happen. I play both sides. I get bad games too and I…