What are your reasons for running Hex: Ruin?
Obviously, the recent changes announced to Hex: Ruin have caused an uproar among a lot of community members, so it got me thinking, what are the inherent problems of Dead By Daylight's design? Some believe that simply increasing generator repair times will fix issues with generators being done too fast, but that doesn't…
Balance/QOL Ideas
While I am satisfied with the game in it's current state, I do believe there are a few things that need to be changed or added. Below is a list of some ideas I came up with to improve certain aspects of the game. Either revert the time to open exit gates back down to 15 seconds or give the perk Left Behind some sort of…
Surveillance Rework Idea
In its current state, Surveillance is a very weak perk and there is almost no reason to run it. This is an idea I thought of to make it a slightly better perk, but nothing too meta. "The progress of the last 1 regressing Generator's/2 regressing Generators'/3 regressing Generators' can be determined by the intensity of…