Wraith blocking
Question, Why is the Wraith able to block you on an open gen? I was working on a 4 person gen in the corn and the Wraith came up behind me, I tried to run away but I couldn't move at all when he was cloaked behind me. I can understand it happening in corners and such but there was a space either side of me about 1.5-2…
The Spirit add on
Does anyone know what it means by "Slightly increases the frequency of the passive phasing." with her Juniper Bonsai add on?
Surviving bug
I just survived a game as Meg Thomas for my ritual but the ritual didn't get done and furthermore it took my green medkit plus addons that I had on (and didn't even use half of it) as if I had died. Anyone else experiencing this?
Balanced Landing
Is anyone else having problems with bl not going off?
Disconnecting from server
Anyone else being constantly kicked from the server? It is happening to a few people on my friends list. Is this a DbD problem or a Steam problem? Anyone know anything?