Billy is undeniably one of the hardest killers to play as and even with that high skill ceiling he's very weak. Here's a few ideas to make him more fun to play: Increase Turning Rate: Base turning rate with the chainsaw should be increased by 25% to make map traversal smoother. Increase Rate of Cooldown: Chainsaw should…
Dead Hard literally does nothing half the time, and you can tell if you got robbed by the broken Dead Hard by getting downed without the falling down animation. BHVR pls fix
The game looks blurry at native resolution because of poor anti aliasing. Players have to resort to adding filters to the game rather than be able to change options in the settings menu of the game. Addition of tech like FidelityFX CAS or even FidelityFX Super Resolution would be very welcome!
Come on BHVR, can't you do better? The snuffing animations look embarrassingly stale right now. There's no sound effects within the animations and some animations don't even connect with the totem.
Cooldown is unnecessarily high and when you cancel an ongoing sabotage and get interrupted it still enters the cooldown. +The hook aura reading should activate as a survivor gets downed, not carried. +The cooldown should match the hook regeneration time at most. +The cooldown only should start when you complete a sabotage,…
He was the only killer that I enjoyed playing as. After the nerf he's "playable" but definitely not fun to play. "Why is he not fun to play?" you may ask, here's the reasons: +The larger terror radius completely removed the surprise element of the killer, giving survivors a huge head start and forcing you to waste a lot of…
It should have never happened in the first place. Either compensate the nerf with a good buff (or a secondary ability) or just revert the changes. Playing Deathslinger right now is like a try not to have a mental breakdown challenge.