no it literally can be fixed, even the killer can see that the survivor used DH, that just means the game has crappy netcode, old dead hard did not have this problem.
well if they're using it it should be fun, would you use Negev on CS:GO and lose but have fun too?
overall a weak buff if you can call it that, he'd be fine if they reverted the nerf but kept the ADS cancel cooldown.
They can revert his nerf and make his movement speed very slow while aiming, and increase the time it takes to un-aim so you can't M2 spam to zone
it is kind of an ok perk if the person knows what they're doing and has some dope saboteur build
they are, and it makes it even lazier
you couldn't have a take more wrong than this lol Dead Dawg is the most killer sided map in the game
just remove zombies they give nemesis free downs out of nowhere
Yeah you're right it shouldn't match the cooldown maybe but should be around 45 seconds, 60 seconds is just too much (or feels like too much because of how the cooldown triggers currently). It's ok if they keep the cooldown the same as long as they add the other two changes imo
It can get worse, and will make the game Free 2 Pay rather than Free 2 Play.
You're right but Deathslinger pre-nerf wasn't exactly like Huntress and I enjoyed his gameplay a lot more than I do with Huntress. It's sad to see devs just gutting killers and calling it balance
Typically when I notice my MMR drop I face a trapper, poor trapper gets gen rushed then I never see a trapper again for a good while 💀
That's actually hilarious what the hell XD
sadge dbd gaming moment indeed
Honestly I have no idea what they had in mind. It just looks like they didn't want to bother at all and decided to change some of his speed values and called it a day.
TL;DR: Revert all the changes except the extended ADS cancel animation, perhaps make it longer to discourage zoning and improve the ADS sensivity.
I check the forums to see if Deathslinger's awful nerf is going to be reverted or not :D
They should revert the nerf entirely and just keep the longer cancel aim animation. Deathslinger was just fine.
Pallets are meant to be obstacles that grant safety to survivors. Once they are dropped, they can easily be broken permanently by the killer. That is why it is fair to be able to fast vault them, otherwise every killer would freakin just bloodlust every pallet, you're crazy.