The Artists Add-Ons Are What Add-Ons Should Be, IMO
The Artists add-ons, in my eyes, can be perfectly described as, "they are incredibly powerful when mastering a matching playstyle." She has so many good add-ons for her, but they all seem to fall into several possible playstyles. From my small amount of time playing and messing around with her, I have already had a few…
Quick Question About The Artist
I would test it, but I can't really play The Artist yet, so I'll ask here to help sate my curiosity and see if my assumption is right or wrong. Hex: Pentimento...does its effects stack as you gain tokens, or do you swap out the effects for each token. My assumption is that they stack.
Types of Killers
There are three types of killers in my mind: Those who tryhard, camp and tunnel just to be jerks, or to get a "well deserved" 4K Those who tryhard, camp and tunnel when provoked, originally wanting to play fair, but either got fed up with toxic survivors or got mady wady that they didn't get there "well deserved" 4K Those…
Little Theory Crafting About The New Chapter
I'm making this more as a place for other people to theorize together about the new chapter. As to why I'm making this now, I want to see what people can think of before the fourth and (possibly) final image. I'll post all the images below so nobody has to look at them individually on their own, along my own little…
Survivor Tryhards Cause Camping/Tunneling, and Vice Versa
Now, to get this out of the way first, I know that is not the case for absolutely everyone. There are people who tryhard just to tryhard and ruin your day. They exist in every PvP game ever and you can't escape them. But, these tryhards can be traced to for the reason it's such an issue in DbD. Speaking from experience as…
My Little Frustration About Deathslinger
Now, this is just my personal little opinion, you're free to have your own. My frustration isn't with the recent nerf. Although, the increase in his terror radius is a bit annoying. It's not with how hard he is. He has a gun, guns are hard to use when basically all other options are melee weapons. No, my frustration is…