"Rework" Chapter
The chapter after the mid-chapter should not add any new content, or balancing or whatever. The Chapter should mainly focus on rewriting a lot of the code, adding a lot of QOL(Quality Of Life) Changes (= Actual Graphic settings, Search bar for perks(I know they are sorted in the alphabet but still)) The devs should work…
i see no reason for this, just let us customize our skins i mean this was true for 4 years but now we are forced to? #########? bhvr, please ask the community if they want such features first...
Additional Clown Buff
(pls dont rework him like freddy, i dont want him to be boring like freddy :P ) The removed slowdown is a great start btw so now to my ideas: THE AFTERPIECE TONIC 5 Bottles BASE (from 4) Intoxicated Survivors will suffer from the following affliction: Impaired vision. Reduced Movement speed (-15%) Involuntary coughing…
Gifting Auric Cells In-game
it would be a nice feature to transfer some of my auric cells in-game to another player in my friendslist
Balancing Suggestions
Balancing SUGGESTIONS im open from feedback Survivors: Lightweight: 3s -> 4s Exhaustion Perks: i honestly feel they are super strong and unfair for killers Exhaustion from every perk: 60/50/40s -> 100/90/80s -> you recover from exhaustion 10% slower while injured and 10% faster while healthy (buffs Legion and Plague)…
Cross-play leaked?
Recently the King on youtube leaked that DBD would get cross-play can the devs make an announcment or confirm this, id would love to play with my ps4 friends!
XP / BP Booster
Unlocked: Devotion 1 Lvl 1 every Devotion increases BP Cap by 500.000 XP Booster: 1 day (+0%) / 1 week (+30%) / 1 month (+100%) 50% = 250.000 or 150 Auric Cells 100% = 500.000 or 300 Auric Cells 150% = 750.000 or 600 Auric Cells BP Booster: 1 day (+0%) / 1 week (+20%) / 1 month (+40%) / Year (+70%) 1.5x = 1800 Shards or…
Balancing suggestions
My suggested buffs/nerfs Killer Perks: Fire Up 4% -> 5% Franklins Demise 10% -> 15% Bamboozle block duration -> 20s Discordance Lvl 1: 12s Lvl 2: 10s Lvl 3: 8s Gearhead (complete rework, weaker ruin): After DOWNING(basic attack/killer power) a survivor, Gearhead activates for 30/45/60s and good skillchecks regress the…
add a mute option for end game chat something like a toggle in the settings (on/off) red ranks are so toxic
Overwhelming Presence Rework
Your presence alone instils great fear. Survivors within your Terror Radius suffer from inefficiency. Affected Survivors action speeds (repair, heal, etc.) are decreased based how close they are in your terror radius. 32m = 10% 24m = 15% 16m = 25% 8m = 35% (numbers can be tweaked)