Let us try outfits with cosmetics we don't own
It's not easy to make good outfits right now because you can only try on one thing at a time in the store. I don't want to spend money on something if I don't know it will look good with my other clothes. Please let us try different head, torso and leg parts together in the store to make good outfits before buying them.
What if we made No Mither an anti slug perk?
Basically give No Mither a small quality of life addition. - Whenever you recover by yourself, the bleedout timer will be reset.
Add ability to heal someone who is healing themselves
You see someone healing themselves and you go to them to heal them. But they wont let you so both of our times are wasted. Why can't we start to heal someone who is already healing?
Can't leave post-game screen
If you click the spectate button right when the game is ending and it cant find someone to spectate, the continue button will be grayed out and the only way to leave is by alt+f4