4 times the same Perk Glitch
Happened to me today. No chance to catch up with this guys crawling speed. T-Bag City at the Exit-Gate... I reported him.
Double BP Event
Now that Corona hits us like a tornado and many people are forced to stay home, wouldn´t it be a great idea to have a double BP Event ? Personally I´m not profitting of this because I´m a RL Nurse and I have much more work now during the crisis than I had before but thinking of you guys... why not ?
Is there any Statement why som Fohwhisperers lost their status ?
I realized that some Fogwhisperers aren´t Fogwhisperers anymore. Is there a reason why and if so what is the reason ?
Make the Chapters Survivor Chapters
When I first bought the game and all the DLC´s it wasn´t the great choice of Survivors that lured me but the choice of playing a killer or playing against a killer. Whenever a new Chapter is announced it´s not the new Survivor who hypes me but it´s the new Killer, for the same reason I first bought the game. After playing…
Why does DbD celebrate the chinese New Year ?
Why does DbD always have a special Event on the chinese New Year but not with other´s like the western hemisphares new year or the arabian new year or the native american new year ? What´s the special bond to China and (looking at Rin and the Oni) Japan ? It doesn´t bother me but I´d like to understand.
Huntress Outfits
There are some pretty interesting animal of the russian woods that would be great for the Huntress. Siberian Tiger Wolf Fox Deer (not the Moose but a male Deer with those really pointy antlers) Badger
New Killer : Tyr - The Disemboweler
Killer : Tyr - The Disemboweler Tyr is a Gladiator from the Arenas of the ancient roman empire. He´s a mountain of flesh and muscle, almost 7 feet tall and though he´s nothing more than a slave to his Dominus, he love´s what he was trained to do - Kill. His weapons of choice is two Gladius blades that make him into a…
If Pennywise...
If Pennywise is going to be put in the game then maybe we could have some more Old-Gods thrown in. I´d say Cthulhu, Dagon, Pazuzzu, Moloch, Baal, Loki, Hades, Ares, Kali would make great Old-God-Killers... maybe we could even get Lucifer as a Killer. Not to mention there are so many more in folklore and mythology and…
Some other thoughts about netflix, Demogorgonkillers and Dead by Daylight
I doubt that there will be a DbD / Stranger Things Chapter. The reason for that is that the Killer of a Chapter like that obviously be the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. Thing is that MC said more than clearly that all DbD Killers that we have and those who come either are or at least used to be human, no animals,…
Some ideas for new original Killers
Hi everyone. Here are some Ideas for new original Killers... I don´t want to o into details yet, since you hardly get any replies here or anywhere else and I think it´s not worth all the writing for almost nothing. I mightconsider going deeper into the details but for now only the ideas The Gladiator (Big, huge guy from…
Huntress Scuba-Outfit
The huntress would probably look pretty good in a scuba suit. She would have a harpoon instead of the Axe and Masks of a Shark and an Octopus.
New Chapter : In the heat of the moment
The Killer : Travis Landau - The Firestarter Ever since he was a young boy Travis was faszinated with fire and setting things ablaze. A passion that got him into both, pain and trouble so many times that he couldn´t even recall. The flames spoke to him when they ate away whatever he sacrificed to them.... the little flames…
Segway Skin for the Nurse
The way the Nurse moves always reminds me on someone on a Segway. I´d love to have a segway skin for the nurse, she´d look great on one of these. What do you think ?
New Chapter : In the heat of the moment
The Killer : Travis Landau - The Firestarter Ever since he was a young boy Travis was faszinated with fire and setting things ablaze. A passion that got him into both, pain and trouble so many times that he couldn´t even recall. The flames spoke to him when they ate away whatever he sacrificed to them.... the little flames…
Owl Mask for the Huntress
An owl mask for the Huntress would be awesome. What do you think ?