Linked Accounts
Does anyone know why there aren't linked accounts? Do you think we can expect this sometime soon when dedicated servers come?
More Secret Offerings
Any reson Devs have not included more secret offerings? I think Survivors have a total of 3 and Killers have 4. Pretty obvious what secret was used also. If a survivor uses it than they most likey used it fo start with someone else and Killers probably have Mori. Can't they just add more Secret tags to other offerings? I…
Corrupt vs Ruin
On what Killers (and builds) would you rather run Corrupt over Ruin? Feel like Corrupt isn't as strong as Ruin so I don't run it. To me the perk ia useless once the time runs up while Ruin can potentially stay up for longer. Sometimes it doesn't even pop because survivors try to push through it or can't find it. What do…
Play bad Killers?
I have played for a while but I haven't imporved too much I feel like. Stick mosly to Spirit and Billy. Play the occasional Wraith. Do you think playing worse killers makes you a better overall Killers?