Is there any benefit to toolboxes now?
Haven't played in a while and just came back to the new toolbox change. Which makes me question, what's the point in a toolbox that breaks so fast? It doesn't feel like they're speeding the gen up much either. I agree that they needed a nerf, but it kind of feels like they don't have any notable impact on the game…
DS/Mettle rework
I was considering how to make Mettle viable, because it's a strong perk but never gets the opportunity to activate. It lead to a... maybe not good, but interesting idea. Basically, make mettle of man the new desicive strike. Meaning that whenever you're hooked, if you're hit within 30 seconds of being unhooked, mettle of…
Combatting camping.
We clearly need an anti-camping mechanic, but I feel like what a lot of people suggest is too drastic. My proposal is simply to apply the hindered status effect to the camping killers. ===================== A more flushed out idea: If you've been within 16m of the hook for 8 seconds, a debuff begins charging (unless you're…
Collapse Opinion (so far)
Love the idea of the additional pressure at the end, but the execution is... questionable. Don't love that the collapse starts only after a door is opened. I understand why it doesn't trigger when gens are completed, but I would like to see alternate ways of triggering the collapse. Frankly, having multiple triggers may be…
2.6.4 is an awesome patch.
A very minor tweak to the pipping system, but overall it feels far fairer than it did pre-patch. Also fixed some really obnoxious bugs, which is nice. I actually really like seeing the minor patches that come out, especially when they make tweaks to features that people have had issues with. Like in this case, something…
2 Hook Based Perks Concepts (Poised for hooks)
I have two perk concepts with no names. One serious, one gimmicky. 1. The serious perk: "After being unhooked, you leave no scratch marks for 4/5.5/7 seconds." It's basically a version of poised that triggers when you get unhooked. When I get unhooked, I either have to run, which would reveal my location, or walk, which…
I don't think Mettle of Man is unbalanced.
I understand why people don't like it, but having to hit a survivor one extra time isn't fundamentally unbalanced, especially with how often it doesn't even activate. Although I do think they should remove the 150% speed buff gained when Mettle protects you. If you're not being injured, it doesn't make sense that you're…
Gen rushing nerf
Suggestion: Make gens take the old time to repair of 130 seconds during the first 3 minutes of a game. After 3 minutes of play, gens take 80 seconds like they do normally. The main reason gen rushing seems to exist is because killers can't patrol 7 gens at once while chasing a survivor. Sometimes it can take longer than 80…
Totem breaking sounds (Quality of life change)
It would be nice to know when other survivors have broken a dull totem. The simplest way to do this would be to just make it so that the totem breaking sound can be heard by all survivors, but it could also be used for a perk. A perk example being, if your team has broken a totem, gain a token; for each token gain…
Ranking Up is Too Demanding
After playing for a few weeks with this new pipping system, I've changed from the opinion of liking the difficulty bump (as killer) to feeling cheated by it (as survivor). At rank 11 [Green], I feel like 2 iridescents and 2 golds (a near perfect score) should grant me a double pip. The thing you have to remember about this…
Rework Freddy
Kind of feel like people have been waiting for this for long enough. Regardless of peoples opinions on whether he's weak or overpowered, he's just not fun to play against. His entire build basically promotes tunneling and camping too.
How often do devs/designers check the forums?
As someone who is new here, I don't know what level of engagement the devs/designers have with the forums. I've noticed not a lot of people seem to post their feedback in the feedback sub forum, so I was wondering: How often do the games creators actually check the forums? And which subforums do they prioritise checking?…
About the Matchmaking (Please do a poll)
When you added the new matchmaking a lot of people complained, for valid reasons. But when you reverted the matchmaking, both times, a lot of people on Twitter seem to have complained that you made the wrong choice (myself included). From what I've seen, the people who complain about the matchmaking being reverted are…