Skull merchant with the lowest pick rate and kill rate oop-
Considering she was nerfed because of her killrate, and an ideal killrate is 60-62%, this should mean she should get some massive buffs right???!!!!! AND the fact that she has the lowest pick rate in the game? Also her kill rate is technically lower than that. Reduce it by 2.5% (which is what the devs used in the discord…
Easy Number changes for Killers
Hi, since this patch is coming with basic number changes to licenced killers I thought Id suggest some they could do for future killers to make them more fun to play and less add on reliant. Wraith: Reduce uncloak time to 2.7s from 3s Rework Swift hunt to Increase uncloaking movement speed by 3/5/7% for yellow/green/purple…
Resurgence needs a tone down
Or it should not combine with We'll make it. If you don't patrol the hook the survivor gets healed incredibly quickly, and encourages people to camp and tunnel and slug to counter its value. IMO it should only work if you get unhooked while the killer is within 16m of the hook. Or it should return to 50%.
SM buffs were good but not enough
The reversal to the scan line invisibility and the radar penalty are good. The new ability to see the scan lines through walls with radar is also good. Though she is still incredibly weak and can be extremely unfun to play at times. Here's what I would suggest. Bring back the second scan line Increase the hindered to 10%…
A Health chapter looking really appealing right now
With the amount of bugs being found I think it's a good time for a health update. Even if it means just delaying a chapter by a month or 2. "Different departments work on different things" okay lets guess some possible dev teams at BHVR who work on DBD and see what could be improved upon. Obviously I do not work at BHVR so…
Why no fixes or adjustments for skull merchant in the hotfix?
She has a lot of bugs currently. Scan lines being invisible, laser tags not working. ETC. She is also hilariously weak and unfun to play. She should be changed. Why can dracula get 3 significant buffs, billy gets better curving, etc, in a hotfix but merchant gets nothing? Is she even being worked on?
Skull Merchant's lack of changes + suggestions (update 1)
Since Skull Merchant has not received any changes in the 8.3.1 hotfix, and there has been no word of her getting changed, I assume she is not being worked on right now. She desperately needs changes to make her more fun to play, stronger, and more consistent to verse. Here are a few suggestions that I and some SM players…
8.3.0: Skull merchant drones do not deploy facing forward
Drones rotate during the initialization phase, causing them to activate aiming to the right of where she aimed it when placed it. All platforms, happens on every drone deployment.
Skull merchant unsurprisingly feels terrible to play
The reduction in movement speed while holding her radar makes her feel clunky and awful. 1 scan line makes disarming drones far too easy. The vault nerf makes no sense considering her drones are supposed to detect fast motion. Revert these 3 changes and she will be much better without being boring to verse. Nerf spin speed…
Why was the intention to reduce merchants strength?
Many killers in the game are stronger than pre nerf Merchant. Even excluding the obvious, killers such as Wraith, Knight, Doctor, Demo, are deemed stronger than her because of to what they have against good players. Is strength only based on killrate? That seems like a very bad way to interpret them. I thought that changes…