Re-enabling Hex totems on Booned ones
Killer Perk: -Reveals the aura of Booned totems when you are in their effect range. -If you have a Hex totem that is inactive, you may perform a ritual on a Boon totem to re-activate it. This ritual takes X/Y/Z seconds to complete. Stick it on a witch doctor killer.
Mangled - change effect?
Thought: Instead of what it does right now, Mangled could do two things instead: 1) Suppress healing speed bonus effects (such as from medkits and CoH) 2) Penalize self-healing by a significantly higher percentage (like 200% slower, not 20%).
Oversight for Trickster on Tip screen?
This seems misleading?
Raise disconnect penalty timer + Hook points
After reading through the thread here: I feel that the disconnection penalty should be raised to at least 15 minutes, maybe more. At the VERY least, it should be raised to the average amount of time a normal game session takes instead of 5 minutes. Why? It's the wrong reaction for the situations that are being touted. 1)…
New Player Perspective and Feedback
Hey there. So, I started playing DBD on October 30th, 2020, according to Steam. Since then, I've clocked about 109 hours. For context, this is also the first game of this genre (asymmetrical horror) that I've played and the second asymmetrical PvP game I've tried. (Breach being the first one.) With the time investment, the…