What happens to mori'd survivors?
Okay, so we know that when a survivor is sacrificed, the Entity feeds on their emotions, their hope, etc., and they're spat back out at the campfire, still stuck in the nightmare, their spirit slightly drained. When they're sacrificed enough times, they become a useless husk that the Entity tosses into the Void. But what…
What are the trials for?
The answer to this question is pretty obvious for the Entity, it's how it drains the survivors. But various snippets from trailers and in-game text make it seem like the survivors enter the trials semi-voluntarily. Why?
Is Spies from the Shadows Good Now?
After its pretty significant buff in the recent patch, is SFTS a decent tracking perk now?
Console Survivor Juking Is out of Control
I play on Xbox and I am so tired of how pathetically easy it is to cheat killers out of a well-deserved hit. It doesn't matter if I know that a survivor is going to juke and I wait to swing specifically because I expect it, all they have to do is stuff their controller down their throat or toss it in a trash compactor and…
Hillbilly is a Brainless Killer
I'm not necessarily calling for nerfs in this post, but I'd just like to express my general distaste for Billy as a killer. The other top-tier killers in this game require large amounts of skill to use their powers effectively. Though the Nurse is technically busted, her base movement speed is slower than survivors and she…
Does Haste affect the speed of Billy's Chainsaw Sprint?
Simple yes/no.
Legion is a Fun Casual Killer
Alright, we know the Legion are underpowered and get absolutely bodied by competent SWF groups, but my first match with them was actually really fun. Playing at rank 8, I almost managed to pull off a 4k, the last man barely managing to crawl to the hatch in time. I expect that part of the reason I was able to do so well is…
Killer Balance at Low vs. High Skill Play
Alright, so everyone's well aware that at high-ranked play, skilled and coordinated survivors can absolutely curb-stomp all but the most godlike killers running Nurse or Hillbilly with meta perk builds. Everyone's on the same page here, and we know things probably aren't going to change there anytime soon. What I'm going…
Killer Ranking Sucks
Killer main here. I have very little survivor experience, so I'm not familiar with the intricacies of their ranking, but the ranking system for killers is awful, for one specific reason. It is way too easy to pip. I can tell you right now that I'm rank 8 and I absolutely don't deserve to be there. Every game I get into I…
More Gamemodes!
I appreciate Behavior's additions of new killers, survivors, and maps, but I think a great way to freshen up the gameplay would be to add new modes to play in. Maybe mess around with the objectives or add new ones, especially for the survivors. Maybe do some "arcade" mode where people get completely randomized characters…