Mindbreaker Question
Anyone have good experiences with the perk mind breaker? Weather on demogorgon or any other killer.just looking to mix builds up a little bit, and curious if anybody has a build around mind breaker or general strategy with a killer to make good use of it. I play Demo a lot and wanted to see if i could make it work. I was…
Time to put the Demo Puppers to bed
I've made a couple posts about Demo over the past couple months trying to figure out how to make him work well at high ranks. I've unlocked all perks, tried countless builds, watched good killer streamers, and got great tips from this forum. But I for the life of me cannot make him work in the higher ranks. And I've been…
Anyone have any good altruistic builds that center around the breakout perk? Been bored with the standard meta builds and trying some different stuff. Been trying sabo builds and using flashlights to go along breakout. Anyone have much success with it?
Uses for Furtive Chase
Anyone have any thoughts on how Furtive Chase could be used. I've tried using my imagination and it just seems kind of useless. Like, what kind of real advantage could there be from having reduced terror radius during chases?
Help for Demogorgon
Does anyone know if any reworks or buffs are coming for Demogorgon. I've tried for so long to find something too make him work to no success. I've tried different strategies and countless perk combos. He's got absolutely NOTHING to help break the looping cycle like the clown or doctor. He's got no stealth to get close…
Killer Main Steamers
Anyone know a good streamer out there that plays a good demogorgon? I can't find much for guides and as I climb back to higher ranks, I find myself struggling work demogorgon.
813th post about survivor lobby wait times.
The last time lobby wait times got this bad for survivor I took a looooong break from this game. 10+ minutes to get a game that could last anywhere from 5-15 mins. Longest wait time today was just shy of 15 mins. I hope they don't a solution because lately I've been shutting this game off in favor of playing something…
Quick Console Question
I've been on a long break from the game for several months after going back to school and haven't played in a while. I primarily played PC. I played on a base PS4 for the first time in about 5 months probably, and it played much smoother. Framerate was much more tolerable as survivor and killer, and input latency even…