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  • Hey, debating is fun : ) But anyways, I thought it might also be useful in countering dead hard. You'd have to keep up the pressure to try keeping them from stopping to get rid of exhaustion, but it's not something I've tested allot yet. I agree though that's it's probably best used on other killers like clown for longer…
  • So maybe for the demogorgon,I need to use those add-ons that put the exhaustion status effect for anybody on a portal, and place portals directly on the last few gens. That's probably the best use with him. Thanks for the ideas though!!
  • Agreed. I still think his shred could use some sort of extra help. Maybe let him turn at the end of the thrash so he could better manage pallet loops.
  • The worst part about comments like this is that you completely ignore that there have been nerfs to killers/buffs to survivors in the past as well. You make it sound like it's been completely one sided since the start, and it hasn't. And some of the things you mention HAD to be done for the health of the game, such as the…
  • To quote the great Ron Burgundy, "I don't believe you." Of course if you're sitting at ranks 12-20 or something, I could see that then.
  • I'll see your one shoulder grab glitch and raise you another. Survivor opening the exit gate. Last alarm hasn't even sounded yet. First grab animation happens, stuck for three seconds work my hand on hey shoulder. Encouraging her. Yeah you open that gate!! You got this!!! Animation cancels and i go back to normal. I try…
  • I hear ya man. All I can say is find popular killer streamers on twitch and read around the forums for tips. I know I've started a couple of threads getting advice from people recently on perk builds, specific killer strategies, etc. In the last month my killer game has excelled greatly and I was on a consistent track to…
  • I don't know if try hard is the right word. I could hardly blame a killer for dropping a survivor and chasing another survivor when their hook gets sabod in front of them and they don't think they have time to make it to another one. I wouldn't call that try hard. I'd just say that's the smart/logical thing to do. As for…
  • I suppose if something is running boil over and you have breakout, would that stack the buff to wiggle speed? You'd have to coordinate that of course.
  • I don't think they realize just how much had changed in this game in terms of player skill. So many survivors are at such a high skill level the game has become unbalanced. And it's not the player's fault honestly. But the devs haven't done a good job of adjusting or adapting to that over the years. I play both survivor…
  • My last match finally pushed me over the edge and I'm done playing killer for now. Period. By the time I straight walked to the other side of the map where the survivors were on gens, two popped. And by the time I downed someone after that happened, 3rd gen done. My other matched today weren't as ridiculous as that, but…
  • I must've completely missed that. My bad. I'm gonna try using that more. Thanks!!!
  • Ooo I'll have to give that a shot
  • I think if you're chasing a survivor straight into a pallet that works the way you say it does. But when you going around an object in a circle, and you try to charge shred as you come up to a pallet, the survivor sees that and just continues running the loop because charging shred slows you down and they know they have…
  • Oh shred is great for getting them before the loop. Whether it's a fake for the M1 hit, or catching then with shred. It's when they get to the loop that i have problems.
  • Easy there chief. Not all of us know of your prestigious skills with Demogorgon or the amount of hours you have in. So chill. I even said shred had it's place. Never said it didn't. But if you're getting looped around a circular object with as pallet, just holding forward like an "M1 killer" until they drop the pallet…
  • Shred does nothing when they're running around a circular loop though. Shred has it's place, but when it comes to being looped around in a circle work windows or pallets, it's useless.
  • I get the different strategies with the portals, but HOW do you deal with all the crazy pallet looping. Those, along with all the second chance perks survivors have, they waste so much of my time.
  • I couldn't disagree more. I don't main one side or the other. I like playing both and I can tell you playing killer is infinitely more frustrating than playing survivor. The gen rush is so bad I wish I could just play survivor until it's fixed, but the wait times are way too long to get a match. As long as ten minutes,…
  • Demo is my favorite killer, but also my worst unfortunately. I would love to see those Portal changes. I also think letting him have some sort of control during his thrash move would help with breaking the painful loops he gets stuck in during chases. Allow him to curve his path a little during thrash, kind of like billy's…
  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Using portals effectively is probably what I struggle with the most when playing Demo. I'll try out some if these ideas.
  • On console, I can't really play survivor anymore. Wait time is 99% of the time around 10 minutes. So I either play killer exclusively now on console, or I just shut the game off. You have a problem with your game if people are shutting it off before they can even play a match.
  • I've followed True and Monto for a while. I've been playing since the beginning so I'm good on allot of the earlier killers. It's some if the newer ones I need ideas for after life got a bit busier for me, cutting down my game time a bit. All these other suggestions will give me s good variety. Thanks again for the…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. Gives me a good place to start. Between work, family, etc, it helps to get ideas/tips vs trying to figure demo out from scratch. He's one of my favorites. Thanks again : )
  • I play both killer and survivor. I don't mind the change to ruin, but them ignoring the problem that causes so many people to pick ruin boggles my mind. I can find a game with killer in about one minute. A 5-15 min wait in a survivor lobby is staring at the screen makes me wanna play other games.
  • So when is the mid chapter update coming? They give a date yet? Super excited for as someone who plays both killer and survivor : D
  • Well it shows. It may not look as pretty as PC, but at least it was playable. Made me pretty happy because any of my friends that would play with me only play console. The latency and low fps kinda turned them off to the game when they first tried it. Kinda bummed me out cause I played PC since release and knew how awesome…
  • I've posted a couple times in the steam forum about the framerate issue. I play mostly on PC, but I hop on PS4 sometimes to play with a friend. I'm by no means a graphics snob, so I don't care if the game doesn't look quite as shiny. But the low framerate on consoles actually has a real affect on gameplay. Especially when…
  • Can we please get a update on framerate issues for console? I play PC mostly, but have friends that play on PS4 from time to time that I'll hop on with. On PS4, the framerate is poor as survivor. And the framerate playing as killer can be near unplayable at times. For example, I'll hit survivors and they'll be impossible…
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