Bubba's chainsaw can have 0 charges forever, effectively disabling his power.
I don't know how to replicate this problem, other than it probably has something to do with his red addons and clicking power key right before the charge meter hits 0. Character played - Leatherface Perks played - pop, i'm all ears, bbq, play with your food. Map - Rotten fields? I don't really remember names. Just a lot of…
The way to make the map item useful.
So how many times have you seen the map in survivors' hands? Probably close to never. It is a very niche item. Most people are smart enough to memorize the placement of gens and exit gates, so it's main purpose is not very useful. How can we solve this problem? The answer is Minimap. By having the map in your hand you'll…
Buff Deathslinger
He's interesting, yeah, but VERY slow. Even Legion seems better, because he can apply at least some pressure. Chasing one survivor even if you land all the shots perfectly takes too much time. Not only he himself is slow, making high wall loops very strong against him, but his power is not that good as it seems: Hitbox of…
If you can't fix the matchmaking, make it worth playing. Straightening this out.
I know that it's difficult to balance thing, the game doesn't have large online etc. etc., but you can make newbees' life a bit better, so they don't quit the game right after meeting toxic genrushing tbaggers. After every match with party-of-4 veteran survivors there are less Bubbas in this world. Please. Stop. So this is…