Hellsing surviver and killer
Seras victoria human turned vampire by alucard perks supernatural everytime a player is injured gain a 10 percent speed boost for 30 seconds and allows you to see all members of your team for 10 seconds/ next perk inhuman slow automatic health recovery allows overtime recovery from injerd state can run do gens only…
Killers emots
Killers should be able to push up or whatever and taunt laugh rour screem say something xeno running round hissing freaking survivers out be fun
Make it so hackers can't hack
So yesterday I played against a hacker. he/she made it so hook times were paused infinite head on collision from a locker couldent be picked up and infinite res I mean downed got back up without anyone agen and agen and agen and flew I stood there and watched him fly and revive himself in mid air then I had a power cut so…
Mori or choice
I think once death hooked the killer should just have a choice kill for less blood points or hook for more if anyone disagree nerf the hell outa myers insta kill seconds after getting into the game is not fun speshaly if you have been up against him 7 times in one day gg
Replacement for people who can't get demigorgon
Would make a nice killer resident evil
Jill valentine mainly please add to game for me
I need more costumes for my favourite character please add zombie Jill from 3 remake and brain washed Jill from risi 5 were she has the red Crystal and Chris and sheva have to remove it could also add her costume were she is wearing the cloke and mask they are all from the games also could add a costume for nemesis to make…
Skins and characters I'd love please
Jill valantine zombi skin from 3 remake and mind controlled skin from 5 Sheldon skin for Dwight or make him a character with his unique screeming would be amazing big bang theory A nemisis skin so he looks more like he did in the movie A left for dead witch killer would be cool too instead of the heart beat terror raids…
Medusa a mix of xenomorph and the huntress zipping round the map with a serpent lower and shouting arrows insted of hatchets The witch (left for dead) insted of the usual heart beat terror raidias could have the witches crys and sprint at any survivors that get to close Ring wraith (lord of the rings) Chucky doll (chucky)…
Can we get a zombie Jill valintine
From the 3 remake Or a brain washed Jill from 5 or both pls behaviour lol