Updating the Shrine of Secrets
Hello, I've been playing dbd since around 2021 and I couldn't help but notice the evergrowing cast of characters this game accumulates. This is great, but the more characters means the longer the grind becomes for newer players. The Shrine of Secrets was implemented in patch 1.2.0, in 2016. Four perks, every 7 days. I…
New Leverage gives an alternative anti-heal build that counters resurgence :D
The new perk changes that came to Skull Merchant's "Leverage" pairs really well with pinheads "Scourge: Gift of Pain", causing any healing progression from resurgence to immediately start regressing. And if the survivors decide to heal off hook, it'll be slower from Leverage, forcing the survivors in a loose loose…
20gb bugfix?!
I usually don't mind bug fixes, and I love that BHVR is still going one by one and eliminating them. But 20gb? Is this normal?
Proxy camping is still a perfectly viable playstyle
Do BHVR plan to do anything to dissaude "proxy-ing"?
New nurse cosmetic is a step in the right direction
I'm loving the new VFX for the nurse skin! I just wish some of nurses cosmetics changed the way the blink looked on her hand, I imagine a small flame beginning to grow as she blinks before compressing as she closes her hand… I'd love for the addition of VFX and SFX on newer skins, especially if they start coming with the…
Spreading out pressure feels impossible
So, I've been playing this game for a while, and I've really been enjoying playing wesker! I've been playing with only corrupt and deadlock for passive slowdown, and trying to focus on getting chases on every survivor. I've been having a good amount of fun, but I haven't won a single game in the last 10 games. The MMR the…
Bloodweb QOL changes :)
The current bloodweb, though better than before, still is packed with filler offerings & add ons that are never used. Here are some changes that will positively affect quality of life; Offering merge system. When a fair amount of bloodpoints are dedicated to a character, offerings start to pile up, and less rare offerings…
What happened to this game?
This is actually out of control. I've gotten back into playing dbd, and I still adore the gameplay, but I literally see at least one DC or suicide on hook every game. Not only that, but I know why! Because every single killer I've played against has either proxy camped, slugged, tunneled, etc. I don't mind either of these…
Any thoughts on nicknames for The Unknown? My vote's on Bob. He looks like a bob!
[ANSWERED] Not sure if new change, but I can't view people's profile's after the game has ended.
Is this a new change to prevent harassment? Or is this just a bug? Does anyone know? Edit: It seems they've changed the way to access it. Before the update, you could press the person's name or killer/surv icon and it would show, however now clicking the name doesn't bring up the prompt. But you can still press the small…
Why do all my teammates give up so easily?
I've had over double digit games now where my teammates completely give up on hook or go to second stage immediately and go to the next game. I just want to play the game, why is this happening??? As a solo q player I feel so incredibly helpless, like every game I load into is an automatic loss.
Vaulting kinda sucks?
I don't know if it's just me but as a solo q enjoyer (not really), I've found ever since the general killer buffs a while back, and the weird vault changes a few months ago, every vault apart from super safe god windows feels non existent, and even getting any distance in a loop feels impossible, like I have to drop a…
The anti-camp update has done little to nothing.
I just loaded up in a game where a trickster decided he didn't want to play the game, so, he sit just out of range of the anti-camp around a hook, and when someone tried to unhook, gunned everyone down, slugged, and used Ultimate Weapon + DMS to stall the game so he could slug everyone. I dont see how survivors are…
When is the IRI shard reduction coming?
It's been 2 days since the date of when the reduction was supposed to happen (I'm OCE), and original characters are still 9000 shards (500 auric cells). Can someone please tell me what time I can expect these changes?
Hawkins - Unhook and common pathway blocked by large metal object
There was a big metal object that was directly next to a hook that prevented pathing and unhooks. I have a clip to show exactly what happened: https://medal.tv/games/dead-by-daylight/clips/1MmSl5UHyK7p2_/d1337tuOG8w5?invite=cr-MSxRMTgsMjA4ODE2MDQzLA
Hey BHVR... the bloodhunt is feeling really good... can we get these kinda boosts more often please :>
My self-consciousness wont allow me to play killer
I've played killer and survivor 50/50 for most of my time in dbd (2.4k hours), and I've enjoyed both sides, however over the 2 years of BHVR's neglect, letting dead hard run free for over 9 months completely broke my psyche. I've been on an entire year break, and have come back. I've played quite a bit of survivor, but…
Solo Q is a harrowing experience
Hey, just wanted to make this post because I've adored the game for so long. I've gone from being a toxic killer main, only survivor main, I've always understood both sides and respected everyone who played with me. But my flame is dwindling, because solo Q feels like I only win one out of 10 games, purely on the lack of…
Please :) <3
Block mecahnic doesn't work.
That's about it. I've played against the same people that I've blocked in the past, it doesn't even feel like it's a woking mechanic in the game.
I bought the Stranger Things DLC before it was removed from the game, which means when viewing teachables on any character, it classifies the perk as either Steve's or Nancy's or Demos teachable. This is all well and all however, I was attempting to complete the Fleet of Foot challenge, and realised if Steve's teachable;…
Why is the community still whining
I've come back after a 10 month break, and here's what I've found: Gen speeds are pretty darn fair. The killer buffs (like 15% break speed I think?) have made holding W much less viable, so survivors have to think a bit more when moving to different loops Solo Queue is very viable now! HUD changes are beautiful BHVR The…
Skull Merchant's terror radius
Does anyone else think the Skull Merchant's terror radius is a tad too vague? I play DBD with the sound below 50%, because I don't want to blast my ear-drums. And everytime I play against a skull merchant, the terror radius' distant to approaching doesn't really tell how close she is. It's only about when the killer is…
I'm a 50/50 player, I was a hardcore killer main but don't find it as fun anymore. When I played survivor when dead hard was as it is, I felt awful because of how stupid broken it was. But after the nerf, I genuinely think it's a fine perk now. But I STILL see posts about it on here. I don't understand, are killer mains…
we want something to show off in EGC
The new red colour is nice, but everyone wants something to brag to others. Could there be a special icon or something in egc as a reward for pre update prestige 3? That would be nice, that's all, amazing changes so far.
Question about upcoming Prestige
If you prestige the characters Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, and Demogorgon, will their previously teachable perks be available on every other character? (Please say yes)
I know alot of people like to discuss Nurse in the general discussions, so I've made an anonymous survey for you to take and hopefully BHVR can reach out to me for the results and get some info on the current situation. The survey is unbiased and expects you to take an unbiased opinion. Here is the link:…
Every game I've played hasn't been longer than 5 minutes
Isn't this event supposed to make people lay more relazed and enjoy the bloodpoints? Why am I getting gen rushers that complete all gens in 4 - 5 minutes, it's so stressful.
Buffing weaker killers would be more effective than nerfing stronger killers
With the introduction of MMR and just general experience with the survivor mains, killers that don't have a chasing power in some way, "m1 killers", will always be considered weaker because after an amount of time, a survivor can perfect their looping to the point catching them is almost impossible. I believe BHVR has to…
dead hard is making killer not fun anymore
When I chase someone I dont have fun anymore. Every survivor is going to punish my good play. Theres never the thrill of danger, the survivors are always safe. Even after a they dead hard, it's not satisfying to down a survivor because of how much time they've gained in the chase. I love this game, but every killer game is…
I don't think killers are the problem, I think it's the survivors.
With MMR in the game, it seems skilled players are going against other skilled players. That's good, but I think the problem right now is a skilled survivor with strong perks outclasses a skilled killer that happens to be playing ghostface, or trapper, wriath, etc. The killers were designed 5 years ago, and in 5 years the…
Why are twins players always camping, tunneling, or slugging really hardcore.
I'm not exaggerating, every single twins I've versed has tunneled, or camped, or slugged 3+ people. I'm not super mad or anything, but it seems literally every single one I've gone against has done one of these things, none of them have spread pressure equaly at any point of versing them in my experience.
Killer queues & Survivor queues are bad now
Has anyone else lately been waiting significantly more time in queue as killer? Is it just me?
So is killer ever going to get fun?
Dead Hard, iron Will. I've counted 153 dead hards since grade reset. This is absoultely absurd. Theres no thrill in the chase anymore for "will they make the pallet?", "if I get them down now I could win the game!", "He's injured, he's vulnerable" etc. Whenever a survivor wants they can just get a free 20 extra seconds of…
Playing a normal m1 killer is not possible these days.
I'm a nurse main. I went through the struggles of learning her and I've finally gotten to a point I enjoy playing her. After 600~ hours of only playing nurse I thought, why did I stop playing other killers? So I decided to have a match with a different killer. Loaded up on Eyrie of Cringe with Leigon and I understand now…
What alternative form of media would you like to see in Dead by Daylight?
Every survivor game I've played in the past 3 hours has had 1 DC minimum. What happened? It isn't even exclusive to certain killers, it's so dissapointing when the game is automatically lost because someone dissapears at the start of the game.
A message from the killer main community to the survivor main community.
Hey! Let's agree on a few things. Yes, we understand tunneling can be unfun. We apologize if it has put a bad taste in your mouth in the past. Yes, we understand NOED is unfair. Cleansing 5 totems is inefficient and cleansing NOED after it's active is dangerous. Survivor is skillful. Just as skillful as killer. Dead Hard's…
Let's have an event to bring to community back together! SHIRTLESS COSMETICS?
We've all heard the joke. "Can we have Shirtless Myers?" "Can we see shirtless X?" It's been a joke for a while, but people also want to see it for real. The survivor/killer player base has been split more than it has ever before, and I have an idea to make the community a little bit happier. Summer is coming soon and…
Disable Dead Hard
With the nurse being disabled to fix a major issue, what if BHVR disabled Dead Hard to fix the glaring issue with every survivor running it. I wouldn't be surprised if it's pick rate was over 70%. They reworked Ruin to be better, more healthy, why won't they do the same with Dead Hard? "It's really complicated and requires…
My version of reworked SURVIVOR meta perks
Adrenaline: Honestly I think Adrenaline is a fine strong perk, if people are too crazy about it, it can't work if you're exhausted. Boon: Circle of Healing: I think the mechanic should be completely reworked, but to nerf it; 25% healing speed buff, self heals take 32 seconds, all boons get a 60 second cooldown, CoH get's a…
Give more reasons to play Killer.
I myself play both survivor and killer. Solo survivor can sometimes be a burden because of the wildly random teammates I can get matched with, but I usually have a fun time. But whenever I play killer it feels like I'm playing a completely different game. Almost every survivor that I'm matched with will have extremely…
Fix underused perks by changing their affects, NOT their stats.
Alot of underused (weak) perks have been changed in the mid-chapter, buffed if you will. However, all of these changes have done absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of the dbd perk scene. However, one perk; Boil Over actually recieved an additional ability which made it considerably stronger, and making it popular (Even…