PC - Killer Hit Animations (Survivor Side)
Ever since the latest chapter came out, killer hit animations have been acting weirdly. Specifically, I'll get hit at the beginning or very early in the animation, before the killer's weapon has actually struck the survivors. It ends with weirdly timed animations like getting hit between the nurse blink and the swing, the…
PS4 - survivor does other actions instead of throwing down/vaulting pallets
Step 1: Be in a game Step 2: Play survivor in a public match Step 3: Be injured Step 4: Be next to a pallet. Doesn't matter if it's up or down, or if you're standing still or running. Step 5: The survivor will attempt to heal or t-bag in place instead of actually running through or throwing down the pallet. ADDITIONAL…
PS4 DC protection?
Is there a way for you to make it so when a killer ragequits by pulling the plug/closing the app all of the survivors don't lose all of their earned bloodpoints, items, and add-ons? It's annoying to actually get to survive but they decide to abort the entire mission for all 5 of us.