Deleted as I don't care about the shity code and issues in this buggy game anymore. BTW, how do I delete my profile on the forums? Or do I just turn off all notifications?
We need to add the rank above the survivors again so we killers that are low rank can actually have fun. Im rank 15 and have had a 2, 5, 8, 20, then second game 2 , 6,10, 18, so you get the idea here. This is from the "friends" option that breaks the game for killers. I understand its to have players together but we need a…
Here is a pic of toxic players that play together. Nice and toxic for my first game as Spirit. Lets see if anything get done about this. NVM. Names and pic removed as we can't post here or anywhere about it. At least it was reported. Hope something gets done about it.
I know we can check our latency in the lobby, but is there a way to set a minimum latency when we search for a host? Like any killer's (p2p server) is ATLEAST under 100ms or less? That way we don't have to disconnect each time we search for a match. Currently, I don't disconnect to find better latency but some of these…
making a killer for sale just makes EVERYONE and their mother play the same damn one over and over and over again. STOP!!!!!!! 50% of my games are of the killer on sale and there are 20 or more killers that are great. p2w just kills games. STOP!!!!