The thread/discussion about brutal strength being updated to increase snuffing out speed got me thinking that one the problems for me with boon totems is that there isn't an actual perk or two or three that I can bring to deal with them on a fundamental level or at least reward Killers for going out of their way to…
Minor cosmetic bug but I figured it might be easy to change
Come on, it's his year 8)
ty in advance
This is a strange one because it could also be some really sneaky survivors but I've noticed it a few times. I'll be in an area where I'm entirely sure there's no survivor, hear a chest open, find an open supply crate, and there's absolutely no survivor in the area. It's like the sound from opening it has been cached to… Had this happen twice. I thought the first one might have been at a weird angle but the second one was dead on to it. I double checked to make sure I was in t2/t3 :^) Each one of these pallet tentacle attacks should have broken the pallets from my…
It's pretty jarring/annoying. If the survivors get a generator done in the match, every time I switch from Charlotte to Victor or Victor to Charlotte it plays that sound. It has happened in 2 games out of 2 this patch so far. Also Victor seems to die going up and down the stairs in RCPD.
Usually it's out at the same time but now I'm getting a little worried for all 3 of us who play there.