Tome 3 of current Foliant has bugged entry/exit nodes
Platform: Steam Description: The two nodes on the left are the entry-nodes, the two on the right are the exit-ones. They are labled right, but seemingly one of the exit nodes is active instead of the second entry-node. As a side effect, the rewards for this tome were unlocked without me doing any challenges. I was able to…
Trying to code a Bloodweb-farming-application, please help me :)
Going through the bloodweb and buying every item manually can be a tiring task, even though it is much faster nowadays compared to when the game first launched. A while ago I had the idea to code an application that automatically analyzes and farms the bloodweb for you. It would take a screenshot from the game and dissect…
There appeared a few new entries in the "GameUserSettings.ini"-file, what are they?
I am updating my "GameUserSettings.ini" at the moment, and when comparing my old file (from like half a year ago) to a freshly generated, there are a few new entries that I don't completely understand at the moment: "AutoScalabilitySet" (Probably related to "ScalabilityLevel", but I don't know in what way) "FPS-Limit"…
Concept Idea - Cosmetic Randomizer
Hey everybody, today I had an idea while browsing the new cosmetics for legion and combining it with different older items. As you probably know, there exist a lot of cosmetics nowadays and many of us have multiple favourite cosmetic-combinations. Also, there might even be a lot of combinations that you didn't even know…
Wrong Challenge Description/Challenge buggy
The Challenge I am talking about is from Tome III (Escalation), Level 1 and is called "Buried Underground". The challenge description is: "Hook 3 Survivor(s) in the basement." However, the challenge doesnt seem to work or has a wrong description, as i have already done the following and didn't get the challenge yet: Hook 3…