This is not from a killers standpoint but for both sides. swf isnt really the problem on it's own. Discord and console party chats is the problem that needs to be addressed. The devs need to take a stance on this and make it where you cant que in game or start a game in lobby while a third party voice chat is active. They…
I'll be honest either they shouldn't work or have restrictions at endgame. Like if there are more then two survivors alive end game it should turn off. These perks are fine protecting you while gens are up needing to be finished but not after. For people that will most likely say what about noed. I do think it should have…
Legit Deep Wound needs to fixed. Like why do survivors get to basically run with the timer not going down. Either fix it where it has a long time till it downs you but ticks down running or make the mend really long time to justify this waste of a status effect.
I'm new to the forums so not sure if this been posted before or what so forgive the rehashed idea. The game mode in question is basically where there is two killers and 6 survivors. The mode in question only uses large maps and all killers get a speed nerf to compisate the fact of two killers. This speed nerf would make it…