UI bug
This has happened 2 times so far. My ui isn't loading in game. First time I was killer and had no information from my perks or knowledge of survivor status. I still managed a 4k, though I was playing spirit. Just now I had to quit a match as survivor because the killer slugged me instead of hooking. I had no UI and skill…
Survivors and killers wishlist
I just want to add a list of things i would like to see added. This list is just for fun and is welcome to debates and speculation. Let's begin... X-files chapter. Perhaps a chapter where we could get 2 survivors. Alien chapter. Xenomorph and ripley join smash. Terminator chapter. Pick a terminator and hero, I say the…
Pallet durability.
I'm thinking durability on pallets wouldn't be such a bad idea. This could limit the times a survivor could back and forth on it. To even out the balance of this, perhaps the killers will have to kick them twice? With this idea a pallet could have 10 durability. A killer's kick would remove 5, while a survivor climbing…
Wiggle off killer, drop down stairs
I just had this happen to me. I escaped the killers clutches but before that happened he positioned me over a set of basement stairs so that when I escaped clutches I fell down the distance and had no chance of getting away. Is there a name for this? I hate it.