An “Us” Chapter
Jordan Peele’s “Us” has to be my all time favorite horror movie. I would love to see Adelaide Wilson as the new survivor, and her doppelgänger Red as the new Killer, and her main weapon be a large pair of gold scissors. For the map I would like to see either The Santa Cruz Pierre w/ The Find Yourself Mirror House, The…
Ranking Issues
I think something should be done about how the ranking system works. I feel the only time a killer or survivors rank should go down is during the rank reset. You shouldn’t lose pips whenever you leave a game and oh boy I can just hear all the killer mains right now “well you need to be punished for leaving the game and…
End Game Collapse
I think the End Game Collapse was a good idea because it keeps the game from going on for hours and hours, however, I do think the devs should implement something a little easier for the survivors within End Game Collapse. For me, End Game Collapse just means certain death. Unless I find the hatch beforehand and camp it…