Why People Think This Game is Killer Sided
I think that there is a misconception when it comes to the balance of this game. Often times I hear people saying that the game is killer sided, that survivors have no hope of survival if the killer plays well. I want to give my input on this, after thousands of hours playing this game. I think the most important…
Concerns With Map Reworks
I think that MacMillan and Badham were fairly well done. Personally I preferred the old look, but my main focus is the map design and balance, not so much how it looks. My concerns come with the recent autohaven/ormond reworks. I think that these changes are a continuation of a trend which has been occuring for a while,…
Which side is actually stronger?
I can always tell which side someones plays more by reading their comment, and nearly everything I see in these discussions is heavily biased towards whichever side someone plays more. I think that makes sense, because you will find more of the flaws of that side while playing, and the strengths of the other, but I feel…