What is it like going against Blood Echo?
Blood echo is the Oni teachable perk which gives the exhaustion and hemmorage effect on all injured survivors once a hook is made. Has anyone got an opinion about this perk. I have been using on my h…5 -
NEW ITEMS Hype. Not Clickbait?
Ok it was kinda Clickbait but this is your chance to share some creative ideas for new items. I'm gonna list a few suggestions. See if you can think of a use which could fit into dbd. Glowsticks - A …9 -
Does anyone else suddenly get really bad at the game out of nowhere?
I took about a week off from playing dbd and I'm honestly so bad now it's kinda embarrassing playing with friends. It's a mix of my bad decisions, bad reactions, killer desperation and killer idiocy …9 -
What if the tinkerer tier 2 bug from a while ago was infact it's own perk.
So the bug made it so once someone had a generator completed at 85% you would have no terror radius. Think of some perk ideas which would give you the opportunity to have no heartbeat from doing/earn…5 -
What 6 cosmetic pieces will you get from this Halloween event?
A really good choice I recommend for anyone who plays Plague is her body cosmetic. It's only one piece but it covers her whole body. Her halloween headpiece is just her tinfoil hat she wears and you …6