Re: How Do I “Just Get Better”
Honestly you’re right. “We noticed Xenomorph isn’t doing so well and has a low pick rate, so we decided to nerf them into an unplayable state!” - Devs Honestly goes to show how much they cater to sur…0 -
Re: Huntress Should Be TWO Killers
No child has ever survived in the Forest alone ever before for any real length of time. Even full grown adults die out in the Forest very often. No child would live out there especially in during a R…-1 -
Re: Does having a character at P100 really make you an "expert" on them?
Playtime is completely irrelevant to this community. Coco has 5k hours on Huntress and everybody flamed him for saying the Huntress buffs were fine. Meanwhile people who never played her before said …1 -
Re: how I would of stopped the going next on hook
You definitely need to punish giving up on hook and not try to find and fix why they do it. People will give up on hook because it’s a Huntress. How do you fix that? You can’t. Everybody is different…2 -
Re: Can we please get more power diversity in future? (killers)
Nope, absolutely not. I just came up with a unique disguise transforming killer idea and everyone hated it because it would be too complicated for new survivors. It wasn’t as simple and straightforwa…-5