Re: Which character will you *never* play?
I'll never play (or buy) ffnaf, no hate for those that wanted it but its not for me. Other than that i've bought & likely will buy every single chapter ever released, including those I have almos…-1 -
Re: Dead by Daylight: Get To Know Me
Having read through all of these its become clear that even though i've played for 8 years I've clearly put far too much time in 😂 Its a great post overall though & good to see some more positive…4 -
Re: Dead by Daylight: Get To Know Me
first main: Meg & Trapper current main: Meg & Trapper fav map: 🤔🤔 Any autohaven I guess 🤔🤔 fav perk: Kindred or Bond on Survivor probably nowhere to hide on killer fav item: Tool Box rest do …6 -
Re: Are we going to be able to hide in cars 🚘?🧐
Seems a bit random & very realm specific but I'm not against it (though i'd never do so, I don't use lockers already) I'd hope they were hidden like lockers though, otherwise I can already see ha…0 -
Re: Custom mori animations
I'd say its almost inevitable at somepoint in the not too distant future! Better still with a mori wheel with say a maximum of 4 equipped mori animations so you can choose the one you want to use! Im…0