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  • I played 8 games as survivor on it no mither was in 6 of those games, I had it 4 times! Would have appreciated a bit more shuffle!!! That being said I think if any mode is going to stay it should be this one, they've got it working, they've done it before in tomes (for individual players) & it gives people a break on both…
  • Vs Nurse on the cathedral level. Had a few decent chases with her went down & hooked for the second time in end game opening the gate down near the horse. With two teammates dead & the other gate up on the north side of the map by the shack I accepted my fate & certian death! Nurse camped naturally (no issue with that…
  • You couldn't just close the hatch & start end game collapse? Game would have ended & no penalty, also has it really gone up to 30 minutes for a dc penalty for 2 dc's days apart from each other? Maybe it has I don't DC just seems unlikely. Edit unless you mean the wouldn't die after the end game timer ran out (sorry thought…
  • Thats how it used to be back in the day. I remember doing a 4% unhook & running almost the entire length of the map & escaping probably the best dbd chase I ever had! Got to keep in mind though base kit bt wasn't in the game then if you could unhook now meters from the gate you're out no matter what 99% of the time & every…
  • Haven't used blood warden in years but damn I've been inspired to get a blood warden 4k tonight!
  • I have 14,000 hours 60 / 40 survivor probably maybe 70 / 30 last few years. Only play solo. I play kindred in my main build but I also play all survivors in rotation using only adept perks so I play without kindred a lot! My general rules is if they're hooked across the map don't go for the save until you absolutely have…
  • Windows is definitely overated in my opinion, sure I have 7 years & probably more hours than almost anyone on this forum but the only time I play windows is adept kate. Also as a killer I love windows players! & their easy to spot because they'll drop pallet after pallet after pallet (hey it shows windows too you know!) 2…
  • As far as the game goes I'm still set on 2024 being my swan song in the fog. I never intend to come back from January 1st 2025 after 7 years & over 14,000 hours (yes really) I think i've had enough. I've already dropped from 8+ hours a day to less than 8 games sometimes not even 8 trials in a week! Doesn't feel like…
  • Survivors have no right to ask the killer to play how THEY want 100% true. Play however you want with whatever tactics are in the game. However if you think you can't win without tunnelling out a survivor as quick as possible its either because You tunnelled your way up in mmr & your way out of your depth against these…
  • First & foremost love all your art & have done for years! Been playing this game 7 years now & honestly nothing will ever change my opinion that intel is the best way to play to maximise my goals (escape / kill) I don't camp or tunnel & haven't used a slowdown perk since before clown released (adept attempts aside) If I…
  • Well damn you're probably right, I am due for the opticians anytime about now🤦🏻‍♂️ looks like a big sword with held with 2 hands.Itlf its wraith I take it back lets have an unkown tome! Wraiths always target me!
  • Sword looks like knights to me, head is a bit more wraith like but he doesn't have a sword. Would be quite happy not to have sable & unkown next tome personally to be honest. Its just another push to get more people to buy the characters (I already have) & sick of seeinging unkown personally.
  • I had a chucky miss 7 or 8 basic attacks today, no idea if they were having wi fi issues or something or just terrible. Worse still after the match I realised i'd swapped the challenge yesterday while doing killer job & chose a dual one & hit set for both! 🤦🏻‍♂️ I agree with you completely on how frustrating it will be.…
  • 7 years in & over 12,000 hours Survivor Meg (no official stats of course but got to be 4,000 hours +) other Survivors I play in rotation if I'm streaming or just doing data collection so I guess the orginals would by default make up the rest of the list only Kate maybe dethroning a few. Killers Trapper (by many thousands…
  • It will get one at some point & that some point should surely be this year. Can't remember ever seeing anything that said early this year but to be honest I'm nowhere near as invested in the game as I was so maybe I just forgot or missed it. Not particularly expecting good things to be honest while I do think its long…
  • Since the event started i've seen 2 anniversary cakes, a flan & 3 bps that weren't mine 3 of those 5 offerings were brought by killers all 3 hard tunnelled at 5 gens. I have brought anniversary cake every game (crazy clearly) most survivors only bring escape cakes (dont want to boost tunnelling killers which does get…
  • My games have mostly been pretty good full of hard tunnelling from the start but thats basically standard these days. Have noticed though I'm litterally the only survivor playing party streamers or anniversary cakes. All the others bring escape cakes or envelopes that only benefit themselves. Not exactly a new thing…
  • Wouldn't run weaving personally not until it gets a buff (if ever) Soul gaurd is a bit situational for me too & I don't see enough hexes personally but I'm certainly not about to dismiss anybuild in the game the variety in this thread is way more refreshing than my games! My build for a long while is Bond Deja vu Kindred…
  • Well done for making such an important & well written post my friend, Haven't been on the forum or game for a week, personal issues, but sad to come back to read stuff like this. Not really much to add I agree with everything you said & hopefully this will turn into one of those mega post threads & the devs will take…
  • Meg for me always! On killer side much harder while I prefer female charcters in almost all my games I don't like any of the female killers in dbd or have any of them in my rotation wish I did! Well there's Tiffany I guess if we're going with alts, so Tiffany it will be love my killer dolls!
  • Thought the build up was amazingly well done, love Sable (Meg's my forever main but she might push Kate down into 3rd place. Then I saw the killer & its power honestly I just shrugged watched otz do his usual this is new blah blah because the kids always like to watch his first impressions & reveals. & haven't given the…
  • Killers might get less kills in the higher mmr they tunnelled themselves up to but at low to mid range mmr 5 seconds vs most killers will still give the same results since a lot of survivors will either A. Miss the skill check, B. Hit the skill check but can't loop & will go down fast regardless. & very few killers in my…
  • Only a quick reply got a lot on but honestly in my opinion if DS is 5 seconds the following will happen. Killers who hard tunnel will hit off hook thats bt out the way, then they'll down then they'll eat DS, then they'll still tunnel the survivor out, if they can use DS after every hook (not in end game obviously) then it…
  • I 100% agree the biggest issue with solo queue is & always has been teammates & thats not something that can ever actually be fixed even if Mmr was the best system in the world you'd still get games where survivors are either goofing off, paying zero attention to the game or having an absolute melt down & looking for a way…
  • I'm in the uk (but actually live on est time as my partner is in NC) haven't played at that time for a couple of weeks but do play then quite a lot & never had an issue, is it relatively new? Or maybe its more American server specific. Sorry for your frustrations either way!
  • I've also been burning through anniversary cakes recently & getting mercilessly tunnelled out on enough of the games to wonder why I bothered. I haven't particularly felt like I was the target because of the cakes though its just generally how most games go these days. Its seems to be one of those things like someone else…
  • I don't mind killers playing for the 4k if thats what they want to do but i've seen so many instances where they ended up with a 3k regardless or even a 2k (as in 2 hook kills & a bleed out) A lot of killers say you don't deserve hatch or its unfair with a 50 /50. Point taken (disagreed but taken) But heres what happens…
  • Totally agree friend & I will absolutely let anyone who gets the 4% go if everyone is hooked & they somehow get off they earned that luck it for me. As for orginal post i'm sorry you get so annoyed by it but its a virtual statistical impossibility that it happens in every game its a high improbability it even happens in…
  • Wraith, seems halfvthe killer player base hard tunnel these days but wraiths though I don't see as many these days seem to do nothing but hard tunnel & for some reason they always seem to target me first! & if you have the nerve to get a pallet stun or 2 before first down then thats it they'll throw 100 games just to kill…
  • No not for me. The majority of the time you'd just end up with 5 slowdown perks instead of 4 while the killer used that slowdown to hard tunnel at 5 gens (everyone play how you want not judging just observing) Or they'd use 4 slowdown & noed or no way out or something similar just incase they still couldn't kill all…
  • She's probably coming in as my second favourite survivor (nobody is beating Meg) will push Kate down to 3rd. I'd have bought the chapter regardless not particularly interested in the perks or the killer but happens more often than it doesn't these days. Think Sable is going to make an absolute killing in cosmetic sales.
  • Currently its bond, deja vu, empathy & kindred, Play 100% solo have over a 40% escape rate & nobody will ever convince me intel isn't the best way for me personally to play. (Not for everyone of course) Bond, empathy & kindred give so much info on both teammates & the killer while in a chase helps so much with decision…
  • I think after 6 years of dbd has really put me in tune with sound & surroundings. I play ow (a lot) & I call out unsighted enemy team a lot & get so much skepticism from teammates. I do this because im in tune with tiny little sounds & footsteps, got me many a kill or win! I could never play dbd sound off i've seen…
  • It was certainly a slog at times but honestly i'd take her over billy, wesker or hunteress. While its mostly a latency issue getting nailed with so many BS hits drives me crazy!. Having said that I'm all for some variety tomorrow 😂
  • I played 10 survivor games today (not sure how I got through so many!) First time playing since the 2nd day of lights out. Had 5 skull merchants, 3 docs (one was same insanely hard tunnelling doc twice) 1 billy (thankfully sick of him already personally) & 1 death slinger that went & stared at a wall in the corner after…
  • Years ago bubba spawned in the shack with 3 of us one chainsaw sweep took 3 out as the 4th who spawned outside the shack hopped through the window & was wiped out too All 3 did dc after being hooked in shack basement & he gave me hatch (right outside shack) so doesn't technically meet all your criteria but really we were…
  • I play for 11 hooks & let the last go. Don't always get 11 hooks of course & get the od ez, baby killer or uninstall bs messages after a game hopefully they get that ultra sweat tunnel vision they must apparently want in the next game 🤷🏻‍♂️ Most survivors seem to appreciate my playing choices though & I see no point in…
  • Genuine thanks for that heads up! I tried 5 games on killer & 10 on survivor safe to say i'm never playing that mode again! I'd already decided 2024 was my last year on dbd after almost 7 years I'm not even sure i'll miss it at this point!
  • Meg is my forever main but when I'm just collecting stats or wanting a change I play survivors in rotation & that might very well be my new Feng style! Already use the head but love it honestly!
  • You inspired me to drop a comment friend 😊 I agree freddy these days often feels rather powerless & I long for a day when a middle ground between old & new might be reached ( I know we all differ on exactly what that is) truth be told though these days I only play Freddy for daily challenges or to grind a little more on…
  • Thank you hopefully we'll both get something close to old freddy back someday & have more (hopefully positive) things to talk about!
  • I don't comment on here a whole lot mostly because most posts aren't worth it & someone is almost always ready to argue with you anyway no matter what you put. But I do check in several times a day & in my opinion they aren't particularly any more whiney that before, they are overwhelmingly entilted, & full of us vs them…
  • I never dodge but then I never really pay any attention to the lobby either. I pick killer or survivor get dropped in a lobby ready up & zone out usually on my phone until we're in game rarely even look at the offering screen. Mmr sure needs work & might never actually work as intended no matter what they do, but it most…
  • I'm one of those people too! & I try to support the game even though I barely play anymore & i'm convinced 2024 is my last year in the fog! Don't see enough changing for me to change my mind after all these years. On a positive I got his achivement on with my first game (will likely never use his perks again & have no real…
  • My survivors have their doll charm (if they have one) otherwise nothing. On killer I generally just use charms for 3 of the 4 perks I'm using its fun to see if any survivors will actually work it out! 4th perk has to remain a secret surprise though obviously usually a generic killer perk because I don't believe they have…
  • I used to play around 8 hours a day sometimes a little more 4 hours during the day (kids at school or out with mom) & 4 hours or so once they were in bed. Since last summer most of that time has switched to overwatch with my bestie 💗 so now its maybe 8 hours a week tops most weeks Played 2 hours today not sure how had…
  • As others have said players on both sidescan come up with virtually any excuse under the sun to decide your being toxic no matter what you do! I get tunnelled out / targeted a lot because my main is Meg (thats toxic apparently been told by more than 1 killer) don't t bag, never bring torch except stupid tome challenges,…
  • Trapper for last 6 years would be my main & often go to killer. But chucky was my most wanted, played & got his achivements waiting for his hype to die down then he'll be my forever main (helps I'm not a fan of first person view too!) Trapper, bubba, oni, myers, doc will all be in my rotation freddy too if something closer…
  • Bubba is my body guard I know he'll stick real close to me & not let anyone else near me at all! Trust me i've seen him in trials! Guess Meg would be my party friend, I don't party at all really but if I was going to hang out with one of them gotta be my main!
  • Ace is mostly definitely the wuietest male all around can't say i've paid much attention to footsteps. So couldn't really give you an answer to the female equivalent but omg when I'm not playing Meg (my main) I play all survivors in rotation & playing as Ada compared to anyone else she couldn't make more noise running if…