Why is the matchmaking so bad
I'm trying to introduce 3 friends into dbd, and literally every match we get into we're getting sweaty ass killers running meta builds, when my friends can't even loop properly and don't even have an…1 -
Re: Nurse + Midwich
I say cap the DC penalty between 5-15 minutes!1 -
Re: Disconnection Penalty Doesn't Need To Exist
Please learn to read. I clearly said its my internet disconnecting, which makes me leave the game. Either read the whole discussion or dont comment. Simple as that. Done replying to these idiots lmao1 -
Re: Disconnection Penalty Doesn't Need To Exist
Bro you cant read. My internet goes out which MAKES ME disconnect. It goes out once daily. I get the penalties stacked up unless I get lucky and only play for 30 mins a day and it didnt happen to go …1 -
Disconnection Penalty Doesn't Need To Exist
SINCE PEOPLE CANT READ-- WHEN I SAY "I DCED" it means my internet disconnected. Its a faster way of getting the point across so I dont have to make an already long post longer. Just hopped …1