Re: How much salt do you get on your steam profiles?
I dont get much salt here. They all usually come to my twitch while im streaming to call me names. Even then it's actually not that many. I'd say for the last, what 9 months for me, i believe maybe 8…2 -
Re: Nurse is in need for a dire nerf
Nurse was already nerfed. She's fine as she is. There is a reason you don't see any really. With the nerfs, you have to be more precise with your ability or else you waste a lot of time due to rechar…4 -
Re: Why are people saying that The Artist is too strong?
She's really not that strong imo. Her most defining feature is to shut down loops and information. That's generally it. From my experience (I say this as an iri Huntress player) its hard to make use …1 -
Re: The “fair” killer play style is dead
In high level SWF maybe, but I "play fair" with little to no issues. Depends also what your win condition is. If you're trying to get 4 kills, then yeah it's probably a 30/70 ratio, 30 repr…1 -
What do you guys consider a win?
I'm genuinely curious, as a huntress main, I can care less if I get all the survivors. As long as I get a couple good hatchets, I call it a win. Makes things much more enjoyable. How about you all? S…1