Re: Genrush
I have to strongly disagree here. We've seen unrestricted tournaments where both sides sweat it out with the most busted stuff and it definitely isn't a 'power role' situation. Singularity, Dracula, …1 -
Re: Genrush
So you play one of the worst, if not the worst, killer in the game versus a squad that may or may not be cheating (you don't know) and lost very quickly. This isn't indicative of anything. What the h…6 -
Re: what some epic forums users team up yall wanna see?
Sluzzy makes a return and just annihilates everyone. Make it happen.6 -
Re: What is the appeal of WoO?
It reduces the chances of me getting screwed by RNG. That's the main appeal. That and know what resources were used. Even in a swf, my friends aren't sweaty tryhards and don't announce every pallet t…1 -
Re: Im tired of waiting survs to leave the match...
Uh, the main difference is this: The survivors can't do ANYTHING to you in the real world. A bully at school most certainly can do a variety of terrible things. And, you know what? Fighting back is s…2