Re: Devs Please Read this
Pick rate has nothing to do with whether Xeno is good or bad, all it proves is there are even more OP killers to choose from. Currently there is no penalty for missing a tail attack, Xeno can just sp…-2 -
It's unthinkable that in a competitive online game a win streak of that magnitude is ever possible. It's indicative of a major balancing issue, and you saying it's "luck" is a massive cope.…9 -
Houndmaster? More like Jankmaster
I've heard that Houndmaster is incredibly janky to play as, but speaking solely from a survivor perspective the dog feels awful to counter. The hitbox hits you when you are well outside of the dog's …2 -
Re: Houndmaster? More like Jankmaster
Only difference with Wesker is there is clear and satisfying counterplay where I know when I've successfully evaded his power and am not getting surprised grabbed from behind after he's gone flying p…2 -
Re: Solo Survivor Gamemode
I feel like basekit Bond, having the ability to see teammates perks, and some form of communication between players (i.e a quick chat menu or voice chat) would make a big difference in solo queue. Th…2