A simple idea to make Lopro Chains good.
Make it so the chainsaw doesn't oneshot only after you break a pallet with it. This way you could still use your chainsaw normally when needed. Nuff said, a very simple change. Thoughts ?10 -
PSA - You CAN get banned for changing your perks and portraits.
My friend got VAC banned yesterday for "modifying the game files", even though he only ever changed the perks ... So yeah, people said that you can't get banned for this, but as it turns ou…6 -
Merged: Why would I bother grinding out the anniversary cosmetics if they'll be given out to everyo…
This discussion has been merged.7 -
So ... How do you reel survivors in most efficiently ?
Do you go forward ? Backwards ? Stand still ? Why ? Why not ? What even is the difference ? It's very unclear currently, some clarification from the devs would be much appreciated.5 -
Any chance Myers and Ghostface will ever see fixes ?
Im talking about their stalking and revealing the Ghostface. It's no secret that both of those fellas are hella broken. They have been for a few months now (basically ever since we got dedicated serv…5