SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Challenge says blind the killer 0 times. PLATFORM: PC STEAM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I went to the archive, compendium and then tome 4 level 1. SCREEN…1 -
Re: The Unknown's voice actor has sadly passed away
I didn't know anything about her but this is still heartbreaking. My condolences.2 -
PC STEAM - Not gaining progress in the achievement
Hello I don't know of this is a bug but if it is then what achievement of these two is actually bugged. Humanitarian Affect other Survivors with positive status effects 50 times in public matches. Yo…1 -
Re: Please revert last year's Pharmacy rework
I don't see anyone run this perk. I think the idea of the perk is really good but the requirement of being injured hurts it. I like the idea of getting addons to your medkit.2 -
PC STEAM - Challenge detail is all black
Hello. After a match in post game lobby my challenge detail was black.1