Have y’all ever had a falling out with your long time mains but end up playing one you never touched
I used to be a myers and bubba main for a long time but after a while over the months I just get frustrated playing them. Bubba and myers both frustrate the absolute hell out of me because against de…2 -
Bubba players how do you feel about him
Bubba is the killer I played the most but at this time with lobby’s being so sweaty he is imo unviable. No other killer do I get pointed at, bagged and messaged so much. He is such an easy killer to …1 -
Is spirit fury + enduring supposed to not stop bubba during his chainsaw sweep
Is bubba not supposed to stop chain sawing when a pallet is thrown on him while he is in his chainsaw sweep because the pallet went away and i downed the survivor and got no stun. Bubba, spirit fury,…3 -
What can be done to make dark arrogance worth bringing
it does 25% vault speed which is 10% more than Bamboozle but doesn’t block. It’s not even that good for 2 perk slot vault speed since superior Anatomy would be more fun and faster without the downsid…2 -
Re: I see a lot of nerfs but none is Myers
myers sucks in general and those addons are the only thing keeping his kill rate high enough for behavior to care. The buffs he got were good but after getting out of tier 1 and not running out of ti…1