Re: Tru Talents "Idea" for a tournament
I think it's an interesting idea. I'm not too impressed with the tourneys I've seen lot of boring gameplay granted theirs been some good matches too. I say mixing it up could be fun I'm all for the e…1 -
Re: Hold Up
When your about to be an 🍆 to others think to yourself what would the dude do?1 -
Re: Nerf the Spirit
Iron will is a solid counter against spirit. I almost always use IW in my builds so I can loop killer use a little misdirection and boom by the time you've caught on I'm at the next loop. It takes a …1 -
Re: Imagine making your game look like trash just to appease entitled players
Survivor main turned killer main here (mostly because my swf crew stopped playing). I certainly think the new movement looks goofier than before but I haven't noticed a difference in gameplay what so…7 -
Re: How I imagine the meeting behind balancing Victor went.
Its built into the characters strat. Wether it was intentional or not its one of the strongest ways to play the killer if your at high ranks. Using a character's strengths to their fullest just makes…1