Is crossplay confirmed?

I've seen some conflicting information and I want to know for sure. Has crossplay been confirmed or is it still just a twinkle in someone's eye? No one has sourced anything to me and I don't want to spread misinformation.
There will be Crossplay on PC between Steam Version and Microsoft Store Version. No other Crossplay confirmed yet.
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Wait, so xbox and PC isn't a thing?
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I have to ask where you found this information. Other than people just saying something I can't find it.
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It'd be pretty unfair.
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in the last q&a of these forums
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from @Sairek 's comment:
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I dont see Crossplay coming anytime soon. It would be highly unfair, not only would players on Controller deal with players who are using Keyboard and mouse (dont know how much of a difference it is, I rarely play on console, so I suck at Controller), but also the Performance on Console is way worse, a Console player would have such a big disadvantage.
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I dearly hope so. The player base on Xbox is quite big right now. And I've heard horror stories about queue times on pc. Crossplay would solve that problem, at least I believe so.
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I imagine it would be similar to what someone on a normal PS4 feels when going against a PS4 pro. As far as the controller thing...plenty of ppl on PC play with controller, and hopefully keyboard/mouse support will be on consoles soon. I know Marth from the depip squad uses a controller, and ppl act like hes the freaking DBD Jesus, lol.
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It’s not just mouse and controller differences. The sensitivity on consoles is extremely limited and mainly the frames for consoles can sometimes be extremely horrid. Sometimes there is frames that freeze up for a second or they get extremely bad for a while and are very inconsistent.
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we're all here waiting forever, we need each other!
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You would be surprised. Mouse really helps with mind games compared to a controller. You just can't get the control as sensitive as a mouse.
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Cant wait to rekt those kids on console
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Is there anyway we can beg enough to move crossplay between consoles up a bit on the things to do list? I get the console to pc thing would be rough but between consoles shouldn't be too hard, performance wise.
Soon as dedicated servers drop i guess?
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PC allows for a testing ground and I don't believe they have to PAY to update their game on it. On playstation and xbox they do have to pay out per update. Crossplay would be cool, but they'd be losing utility. Unless test realms were separated entirely.
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Will Mouse & Keyboard be enabled for Xbox once cross-play is available?