Barbeque & Chilli should be Obsession only? Why?
The Killer should only be able to see the Aura of 'The Obsession' during a trial & not the entire team of Survivors. This change would balance the Perk more fairly by not revealing ALL Auras of Survivors to the Killer, which currently makes Killers hunting ability a breeze-regardless of how many survivors are left in trial.
Survivors are unable to perform stealthly if Killers are aware of all locations throughout at the sametime.
Alternatively the Perk will change Obsession throughout the Trial in the same nature as other Perks (Once hooked/sacrificed) Barbeque & Chilli would which to a new Survivor Obsession & so forth...
This may also see Killers rethinking the Perks they use, as currently most pre-trials Killer loadouts show
.Barbeque & Chilli
.Hex Ruin
.Nurse's Calling
.Noone Escapes Death
Most common Perks found to be used combined & is a massive trial changer... especially for stealth Killers that are on their way to you that give no warning that your location is known.
As a Killer, I use Barbeque & Chilli all the time so that I can see Survivor Auras which in turn makes finding them easy & that I can see if any are close to the recently hooked Survivor before moving away. If I could only see The Obsession I would need to makes more decisions.
What if there isn't an obsession? BBQ doesn't generate one on it's own and has no reason to do so by design (I don't believe leatherface ever obsessed over a single character and was more a berserk killer?)
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I don't understand this obsession (heh, get it?) of nerfing a perk that has so many different counters that also, on top of everything else, promotes killers not playing in a way that survivors dislike.
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Currently BBQ has a number of ways of playing around it, mitigating how often it will be able to provide useful information. I don't see the need to cut down on this perk's aura reading.
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Barbecue has counters
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People forget that Leatherface came out in a time where camping was more prevalent. BBQ was intended to be an incentive to leave the hook and go find someone else so saves could happen. Especially with the multiple counters it has nowadays I really don’t understand the drive to nerf’s an anti-camp perk, be glad it’s meta and enjoy your saves.
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I really dont understand the problem of BBQ. As a killer, more times than not i only see 1 aura anyway. As survivor, i know to hide in lockers for a second or walk in one direction then change course after 6 seconds. Or just stand still. There are so many ways to counter that perk.
I honestly dont think it needs to be changed. It rewards the killer for not tunneling or camping. If i took someone and dont see any auras then I patrol closer to the hook. Its worse for survivor if less auras are shown
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Do you even know how many counters this perk has? Someone mentioned them above. Read them, Git Gud and stop crying for unnecessary nerfs
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If BBQ got nerfed further it would lead to even more camping.
BBQ is an incentive perk to encourage the killer to leave the hook. Realistically the only time you should want to hide your aura from it is when you are on death hook or the only other survivor in the match.
Please think outside the box with this perk and realise the aura itself was designed to help survivors with saving.
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Chili in real life uses multiple spices and beans and meat not just one. If it only showed obsession it would make no sense. It already balanced enough and if a survivor suspects you have bbq and chili they could just go inside of a locker.
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BBQ does hold hands a bit, but it's far from problematic. Run a different direction, get in a locker, hide behind the generator, you know....just leave your area after it's duration hence more than likely the killer isn't gonna be close enough to immediately get to you.
Not to mention your suggestion is just frankly turning it into a tunneling perk.
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It's for 4 secs. hide in a locker walk in on direction head back the other way. I use bbq and half the time I don't pay attention to it especially after I have my 4 stacks
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BBQ isn't strong enough to make it useless, easy to counter
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I don't want to repeat myself but you literally have a bunch of counters against BBQ and Chili. And you wanna know the best part? It's not an infinite aura reading perk like Object of Obsession, it only tracks you if you are FAR AWAY from the killer AND it only tracks you if you're not in a locker AND it only tracks you for a whopping 4 seconds.
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I can't say I see the need. This would basically turn the perk into a tunneling perk since the only aura you see is the obsession (encouraging you to chase and kill just that one guy). It wouldn't combo well with perks like Dying Light or Save the Best For Last either since you don't want to chase the obsession with those.
More importantly, it has counterplay. Hopping a locker when the killer starts carrying a survivor hides you aura. Even if you can get to a locker in time, hiding behind a generator makes your aura a little harder to see.
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Also everyone saying that half the time you don't even/forget to pay attention to it as killer is a big ass mood.
I've probably lost games/kills easily because I just could've gotten great information from it and you know totally didn't get it from not paying attention to it.
The perk is fine. There are far worse killer and survivor perks out there that need looked at.
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I agree in some way that Killers hunting abilities have changed throughout---AND HAS THEIR ABILITY TO SLASH VAULTED SURVIVORS!!! I must say a big thank you to Sairek as he's supplied info that I don't know ehrn the rest just retaliated abit. Hiding in a locker works? I never knew this. Thanks Devs! No guide, would have been nice to be told this. Hiding in lockers trump BBQ. The guy just put a post up not announce WW3 lol
Some people in teams dont know everything and not all pros. BBQ will now force me to change perks which some mention that I dont want.
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@Danny89 Your post makes me wonder how many players are often just simply unaware of similar counterplay and other nuances (hiding in a locker to counter BBQ etc.).
I bet players get frustrated all the time about things that they would ultimately find really reasonable if they just did a smidge of research, or if the information was presented to them in a better way (which this game is woefully deficient at).
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We were told this. It is in the patch notes and news section with the change to lockers as they block all aura reading.
They can't make a guide for every simple change that's an unrealistic expectation.
A Google search on how to counter BBQ in DBD would give the info, asking the question here, reading the end wiki etc.
The info is and always has been out there if one takes 2 mins to look.
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BBQ does not need to be changed. It’s not even that good of a perk anymore tbh. For a couple of killers yes, it otherwise, Thrilling Tremors has vastly surpassed it.
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@Sairek Thank you for comment. Some nice advice. To know that as soon as someone gets downed I can run to a locker/gen untill they get hooked helps & keeps me out of danger trying to help them will keep me safer 😁
You can be the best stealth player but with stealth characters Micheal,Pig,Ghost face & such good perks! Like bbq & chilli and insta downs once charged, you haven’t got a chance! Let alone all the Hew work! 🙄
Thanks I'll try hiding now on.
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Perk has so many counters, dont see a reason to nerf it again
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For real, sometimes i think that game should not have any kind of aura revealing stuff, it's breaks the immersion of horror game turning out the stealth gameplay.
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BBQ... Super efective farm perk in combination with exposing weak survivor aura after hooking. Two great things in one perk. Two reasons to use them.
And we can compare it with WGLF. WGLF is killer perk in his natural deep thought. Why? Because it is suffering to play with two survivors in one team with WGLF. Two players running over the whole map to unhook someone. They're killing themselves by stupid protection hits (stacks) which is super uneffective with hooks every 15m.
WGLF need a buff or BBQ nerf.
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How about making NOED base kit, adjusting gen rush so ruin is not needed and make it easier after hooking a survivor to find more survivors or reward the killer for leaving the hook?
These perks are just replacements for the game making killers lifes unnecessarily hard.
Compare bbq to decisive strike and please be quiet now, thanks.