New ban system

LordTohes Member Posts: 143
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

It is not better to fix the problems for which people disconnect instead of ban because your game has many problems / errors / bugs / hitboxes the size of a blue whale, etc.? 🤔



  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    Yes, I understand that, but what I'm trying to say is that punishing someone when 99% of the time the problem is the game... I don't know, I fell like it's a way to wash your hands and look for an easy solution by blaming others then the problem is yours, I mean especifically the developers blaming people who disconnect because his game does not work well. I only see new DLCs, and new features that require money, I think it is pefectly valid if you have a solid game, but I think it's of very poor attitude that punishes others for your own defects. Just concentrate on getting more money based on a defective product does not make them look like a good company. I don't want to change the main theme but a clear example was to create a new game with dedicated servers and never do it in their base game, most people who play DBD have more complaints than praise. I would honesty fell bad being the CEO of Behaviour Digical Inc. And what happend to them with their new game remind me a lot of that happend to Overkill's The Walking Dead. At the moment his only way to survive is to create new paid content, if DBD devs had to base theit ernings in their quality they would soon be in bankruptcy, and I think that making a decision to punish others for their own problems make them look very bad.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    I wrote a comment and disappered, I reger not beibng able to continue with this discussion, but my English is not dood and trying to rewrite something that took me more than 30 minutes really leaves me wantint to do it again now. I will try to write it later with the traslator and copi as much as possible everything I try to say here. I just want to say that I agree with what you say, bit I think blaming others when the problem is yours makes your company look very bad and it reminds me a lot of Overkill's The Waling Dead, where the devs complained that the players didi't tell hem whay exactly wanyted and that the fault of the failure had ben the players . I will try to give a better answer later.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Just an example. Also the survivors i outplayed as trapper.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    If you were going to get banned for it, you already would have. That's how the current DC system works.

    All the new system does is make sure the other players in the game aren't punished so much for you disconnecting, and stops people who DC from rejoining queues straight away (although it's unclear whether this will apply to everyone who disconnects from a game, or only those who do it deliberately using the "Leave Game" button, so it's possible you have nothing to worry about anyway).

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I really hope the system doesn't detect lagouts that would just be pure bullshit it's out of my control

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    lagouts? sorry mate, but if your internet is not good enough for online games then you shouldnt play them and ruin the fun for others.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    On the ptb i couldn't get it to activate at all so i doubt lag timeouts will happen.

    I wanted to see if the timeouts existed/to test them i tried everything but could not get timed out.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You can't fix players beiing entiteled ######### that DC at the first sight of any challange.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    I agree to be punished, but I do not agree to blame the player, if the player leaves to ruin another's game is fine the ban, but if a player disconnects because the problem is in the game I think it is unfair , I do not know if I explain myself well, but I am not against the ban, I am against not solving the problems that lead to disconnection. If you create a game that is malfunctioning and will punish people for disconnection then you were simply washing your hands and living off the guilt that your game does not work well. I think the developers would first have to fix their game and that way nobody would disconnect. The only thing I see is that they create new content to make money but they don't do anything to solve the problems, I don't think it's a lack of talent, it's definitely a lack of interest, instead of solving the problems they just punish people for the mistakes of their game. The Overkill company almost ended up in bankruptcy for creating a very poor quality game and its CEO blamed the players for not telling them what they really wanted. I feel that the same thing is happening in DBD, they created a new game to earn more revenue and never worried about putting servers in DBD. Now that their secondary game is a failure, they only look for easy alternatives for people to be punished because their game is malfunctioning.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117


    The DC issue is surely not a balance issues, or do you think a Trapper is such a issue that you always need to get a DC-rate of at least two players in Lowranks? No its 90% a problem of players own behaviour.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited December 2019

    they think its ok because their favored streamer does it and its ok. also there is no punishment so how could it be forbidden to DC if im not having fun hm? bhvr was spoon feeding this kids for too long.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    BTW: why do you put a button that says leave the match and then you will punish people for using it? it don't have much sense 🤔

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't think it's really fair to say that all they do is release new content and don't try to improve the health of the game. It's possible they're not focusing as much on health or improving as fast as would be ideal, but they are definitely working on it - as evidenced by the dozens and dozens of balance changes and bug fixes in every single set of patch notes they release.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited December 2019

    why so? its the same like in overwatch. i dont see a problem. you should always have the option but now with consequences.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    It is a game of the year 2016 and just now worry about it? Every change in the game you think it was to improve it? Create a new game with dedicated servers when the players of your main game yelled at it, I think it is certainly a lack of interest in the player.

    It makes sense to you a button that says "disconnect" and punish you for using it? I do not say that it is a problem, I say that clearly they only try to blame the players and they are not responsible that if someone disconnects for problem in their game.

    I create a game with many problems and I don't force you to play it, but I punish you if you stop playing it for all the problems that the game has 🤔... vote me for GOTY pls 🤣

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    This guy definitely was experiencing technical difficulties. As a result the other 3 are screwed and killer loses points and most likely pips

    First hook of the game btw

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    But that is very different, nobody is discussing that, if he goes for a reason like that I understand, try to understand that I talk about the problems of the game and those that cause people to disconnect, I honestly do not play much as a survivor, You could say that I am main killer but seeing these things I can not blame people, I will definitely be against the creators of the game

    I am sorry it is very difficult to write from the cell phone, you can see what I speak on twitch or on youtube with better ease with current and recent games to see what is coming I feel a disconnection problem from the beginning of the game until the day from today

    Post edited by LordTohes on
  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    did you ever play another PVP game than DBD? every single one of them has the same leave option with punishment if you do so. leaving the game could have more then one reason, unlike in DBD.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    Yes, many, but none makes me feel that I want to give up the game as I see that people do it in DBD, as I said before I play 90% as killer and the only times I disconnected from the games was due to crashes of the game and because of the anti cheat that said that an error had been found and the game was closed without reason (of course I was not using cheats) that is why I speak of my own experience in DBD and that is why I say that before blaming people for the disconnections worry more about solving the problems that lead to people wanting to disconnect or disconnect due to game failures

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184


    I hope they start matching these types with eachother instead of with people who want to play.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    90% of the DC's come from this. its the ppl fault but also the devs for letting ppl do it. also can we know how the system works? how long is the punishment etc.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    I think the biggest imbalance in the game is if you create a rank system without any sense (rank table or similar), and put people with 10 hours of experience playing with people with more than 1000 hours then maybe the rank system does not make much sense because people will only want to increase their rank but complain when they meet people who are at a good level. If you create a game that is clearly not competitive since it is based on getting points and there is no rule in it, but it puts a broken rank system to simulate that it is a 4vs1 competitive game so I think you are doing something wrong. If your game has so many failures and you put a hitbox that makes no sense and that makes people not want to play because they feel frustrated then I think the game has a problem and you are part of the problem as a developer for not solving it. If you are going to blame people because your game is badly done and they don't want to play in it then I think you have a very big problem and blame people for it does not make you look very good.

    EDIT: if you create a new paid game and put in what the community asked you in your main game then clearly you don't care about the players, if you put what the people ask in your main game only because your secondary game is a feilure is a cleary a lack of interest and affection for your comminuty and as I said before it is not a lack of talent, it is a total lack of interest of the players, the same to happend to Overkill's The Walking Dead. If you want you can compare yourself with other mediocre companies that do the same fine, but if you really have pride you will try to compare yourself with the companies that create quality and everyone loves and would do thing to improve your game instead of punishing people because your game has so many problems and "unbalance" (as people said before) that makes not be fun play in it and using a fantastic idea (I really like the idea of DBD) and I speak from my own experience as killer, the survivors are disconnected 99% of the time by the false hits, that as killer (with the exception of the huntress) that are not easy to see but you can very easy to find complains about that on twitch, youtube, steam, etc. which it is carried out makes 100% of the people leel love-hate for your game. So if you understand and know your problems, because with so many complaints everywhere you can't be the same as pathetic than Almir Listo who don't care their community (Overkill's CEO) and blame the players and just look for simple solutions such as punishing people for your mistakes, I wonder again: why not fix your game first and you only want to ban peoble if is clearly your faul?... sadly I guess it's a rhetorical question.

    Post edited by LordTohes on
  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Except the ban system is incredibly easy too avoid by simply suiciding on hook, which there is still no punishment for. So it's neat but pretty useless.

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    Because everyone has the right to play a video game lose the attitude 🙃

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    Thanks for saying it, it is exactly my point, they are creating a system to punish the people that affect the game, but if you as a survivor sees a hung person you try to help him, and when you get to him and discover that he is suicide in front of you is affecting the game more or the same way whan a disconecction, they are puting simple and maningless "solutions" that are just punishing the player when the culprits are the game developers.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    and thats where rewards for ranking up come into place. so ppl actually wanna try and win the game instead of "unfun im leaving". easy fix.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    I do not think that is the majority, in my personal case I can assure you that 90% of disconnections are when their friends do not rescue him, when I go for the same survivor 2 times in a row, and without a doubt 89% of that previous 90% is when I hit them through a window or when they throw me a pallet and in the same way I manage to hit them. It is so much so that several months ago I try not to hit them when they pass through a window and not go through it 2 times in a row because I know they are going to disconnect, and what is a clear "advantage" for me I have to try to avoid it because I only get people to disconnect making a real disadvantage, I don't think it's my fault or the fault of any killer to play that way, but if they could fix the defects of the game a bit it would be much more pleasant for me to know that they are not going to disconnect, because honestly I prefer that they escape but that they do not disconnect, and ban a player for disconnecting, as killer does not help me in nothing, it would be much more useful to solve the things for which people disconnect so they don't want to do it and that way all can enjoy a nice match

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2019

    Can you explain what rewards you are talking about? after so many hours of play I have so many blood points and so many (I don't know the name in English, the free currency of the game) that I have already unlocked all the "free" killers, I have so many items in my inventory that if I were a survivor and had the same inventory I could give away the most rare items for a month. Being of rank 1 to 5 + -, it only gives me decent games against people who know how to play (even though sometimes I have a hard time), my only reward is that people of that level do not disconnect because they do not want to lower rank, nothing more 🤔

    There is no way to win by not dying, if you die but you have the rest of the objectives in gold or iridescent you will win or at least not lose a pip, die in DBD if you do many other things can even give you more points than the killer, that's why I'm funny when they talk about a competitive game is the most PVPVE game I ever play. The killer is justa person who tries to delay your escape but nothing more than that, sometimes I have more fear of the survivors being the killer 🤣

    EDIT: If raising rank means not disconnecting then we have the solution, the problem is that most people just want to level up without any sense, because then they complain that the killer kills them, but they have 50 hours of play and They are rank 5, and the killer has 1500 hours and is rank 6 because it is the 14th day of the month ... now that I think about it, I think that nothing in this game makes much sense. Many people don't mind climbing the ranks because in reality the benefit is really ridiculous, when I play as a survivor being rank 11 I can play with rank 6 survivors ... and that helps me a lot to ... I really can't finish the sentence, I don't find the meaning of anything 🤨

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I am honestly curious to see how the new ban system actually works. Because yes DC's are annoying, but I know people that will DC because of very specific reasons. Not something I would blame them for, for example, I know someone that is actually terrified of clowns and the Clown is someone they always DC's against because they can't handle playing against him. Should they really be banned because one out of seventeen (soon eighteen) killers they can't play against.

    I know quite a few people that the sound effect of the Doc causes them to get a headache if they play against him for longer than a few minutes. Once again, should someone really be punished because they can't physical handle one out of seventeen (soon eighteen) killers?

    I get if you're punishing people for dislike playing against something, but I always think context matters. If a game was causing you IRL issues, I don't think you should be forced to play against it.

    NOW before everyone goes, while don't play the game than... It's literally one killer out of seventeen and growing in number of 3 months. Which is rare enough for me to say, You should still be able to play. If your DCing against perks, yes punish it, if your DCing because of an IRL issue, then context matters.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    cosmetics, badges, auric cells, shards etc. there is a lot of things to put in as rewards.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited December 2019

    still no argument to ruin the game for 4 other ppl sorry mate. after almost 4 years im so done with ppl dcing in this game, telling various of reason why they do it and so on. just dont play the game if you cant handle it pls. just pls, pls dont ruin our matches anymore, its enough.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I don't think Google Translate will help with with making sense of your ideas.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    Okay so.... it's a horror game, clowns are scary that is WHY there is a clown. I mean this in the nicest way, they should probably just play another game... If it had modding support, someone model swapping it would be great but if the fear of something common in horror games is that crippling- you cannot blame the game anymore. If they still want to play though, that is fine and I wish there was a model swap mod for them, but there is not so onto point two...

    I know how up an arms people can get about this topic, and I understand the issue- but that doesn't make it a valid excuse because they are still choosing to enter the game knowing that he exists as a possibility. If they want to play anyways, that is totally fine, but that also means accepting the responsibility of maybe getting punished for leaving games and harming other people's games.

    That being said in responds to your last bit there- they would not get banned for that, they would get locked out of the game for like 15 minutes or w/e, so they could just stop after that for a while until it cools off or keep going. Which is a pretty fair middle ground for them honestly. Like you said, it's like a 5% chance of getting that killer again, if they run into them again and leave again then yeah- they should probably call it an evening before it scales more, and that still makes fair sense.

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    They had to eventually do it because people complain about d/c's for years. While it creates huge imbalance issue I never blamed anyone for d/c because I didn't see what was going on on his end. Imo everyone getting dedicated'd has the right to quit and I won't blame him at all.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    @Echorion this section is for you.

    Starting off, yes it is a kinda horror game, not sure anyone really considers it a horror game after 100 hours, but sure. There is a difference between a Jump Scare and actually getting a panic attack. And I would probably agree with you if these killers were more like Billy, Nurse and Spirit. That show up quite frequently. But these are killers that show up maybe once or twice out of a four our session of playing this game. Also They bought the game long before the clown was a thing. They should throw away all of there money and time spent because the devs decided to release a killer that triggers there coulrophobia? Should the devs give them their money back?

    Also you never brought up the Doctor, so I am going to assume you have the same stance on him. And my stance still stands, Its a killer that is rarely played, should someone really just not play a game they more than likely have spent 1000's of hours in because of 1 killer out of 17, that might show up within a few times in four hours.

    My whole statement started with "I am honestly curious to see how the new ban system actually works." because I am actually 100% clueless how this new system is supposed to work. Is it if you hit "Leave Match" even once, you get a 15 minute time out? Do you have to hit "Leave Match" 3 times than you get a "Time Out". I may not agree that "Leave Match" should trigger a 15 minute time out the first time, but 2-5, yeah, and the add so many minutes each time after that. Sure. Does the timeout ever reset? Every 5 games you play without DCing the timeout goes down by 5 minutes.

    I honestly have zero idea how it works, all I've ever seen was "Implementing a new system for punishing people who DC"

    @Kenshin This is for your reply

    I am going to prefix my statement by making this clear. I generally play killer, I do play SWF with some friends from time to time, but most of my experience in DBD has been as a killer main.

    DC's have never really bothered me unless queue times were over 10 minutes. Which seems less of an issue recently, at least if you play on peek times for your region. So at most the game might ruin the game for 3 other people for me specifically. As for the times when someone DCed, I will admit, there was a time, this ruined the game for me and my friends, but now it doesn't really bother us, we just screw around with the killer until we die.

    Now that is us specifically, It doesn't apply to everyone, I know this. Ruining the game is completely based on the context of the people playing the game, it's not a global thing. Because if it was, I know a lot of survivors that would say running Ruin / POP / Sloppy ruin their experience far more than the occasional DC? Should those killers be banned?

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    I am reading more carefully the comments from the PC and I can realize that there are many new people, I will not answer one by one, I will simply try to respond in general to everything. First and foremost if a survivor disconnects counts as a kill for the killer, then you have to think that you are "winning" in a certain way, the problem is that if you only want to hang the survivor and think that it is better to let it suicide at first hang that means that it is exactly the same as if he disconnected, then why complain about? for 200 points?... on the contrary, you would have to be happy that you did not waste time going to hang it and you already have the kill in your hands and time to go to catch another. It is much better that the survivor stays in game and you can go back to hang it, that is to say that the survivor does not commit suicide and that he does not disconnect, that will give you more points, since you will also be able to chase it again, etc. Then, if the survivor who disconnects and is banned you do not get any from it. If the survivor disconnects and you are another survivor you have a "disadvantage" you will be left with only 2 partners but you have the "advantage" that you will not have to waste your time looking for it if the survivor commits suicide instead of disconnecting. So the benefits are greater or worse? The answer is very obvious... and of course the is that people don't want to disconnect from the game. What happens if the killer is disconnected? the game of course cannot continue, which is an endgame for everyone I don't play much as a survivor so I rarely saw him and I can believe that it was due to some game error since there was no real reason from my point of view as killer for him to want to quit at that time. So if you, Mr. Remi Racine, think that applying ban is better than solving the problems that motivate people to want to disconnect, with an average of 30k people playing, do you think that banning 1000 will benefit anyone? you are offering an alternative that is much worse than what is currently happening, so strongly I ask you that before punishing people for disconnecting from your game, make your game better to prevent people from wanting to disconnect, since this way you can only notice that you don't care about the community at all and just think about easy solutions punishing people for your own mistakes (it's not 100% your fault of course), but people who get angry and disconnect might simply have to press alt + f4 and close the game instead of having such a simple button, and possibly they say well ... instead of having to reopen the game I commit suicide and done ... oh wait! ... is almost the same solution as the ban, but realize that you don't look like the grinch?. From my point of view it is seen that you just want to wash your hands and believe me that a clean conscience is much more beneficial, breastfeed and be proud of what you can do with this game if you take the appropriate measures. A patch above another patch is only no sense option and shows your total lack of interest in the players, you do not look for a solution to the problems, as other people said, how many games exist where they get banned for disconnecting? do you think people will stop doing it? you don't think it's better to solve the problem and see what are the reasons why people want to disconnect? If not, then I am wasting my time and talking to a person who does not deserve it, I hope that you are going to take measures so that people want to play instead of wanting to disconnect as it happens today and don't use the ban as a method to solve the problem because, without offending ... it's really ridiculous, I'm already imagining all the people asking for a ban from the people who commit suicide 🤣

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    In fact yes, because writing in my language is much easier

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    You tell me not to disconnect? I'm sorry for your confusion but I don't disconnect from the games. You are saying it yourself, if people have many arguments not to play, is it not easier to try to solve those problems? Creating a ban and making people commit suicide is a good argument?! 🤔 x1000

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    80-90% of the DC's happen on first down. That doesn't have anything to do with balance problems, but the lack of DC punishment.

    SF5 had massive ragequitting at start because of no penalties. Then it got penalties and its gotten better.

    If you dont penalize a sore loser ragequitting all day to ruin games, he will do it all day

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    I agree, but people complain about many other things for years and the only solution is to create a ban?. They created dedicated servers after their second game is a failure, do you still think that Behavior Digital Inc. has good ideas and is a company that does things for the community?

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    He was specifically replying to me and the reasons I listed why I know that a few people DC. Only one of my two reasons, could actually be fixed by the devs. Not much the Devs can do about coulrophobia

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    I think that most of their manpower is focused on pumping out DLC's. I don't want to defend them but I won't really blame the devs either because they aren't the ones deciding what they're working on