earn 15 emblems of iridescent quality whats the best way?

bacon Member Posts: 367

i play killer and do well but the emblems are gold i need them red or i might get 1 red so it counts. is survivor easyer if so any tips because with killer it seems like a lots of time and i might not get any



  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Play Legion 😉 one of the best killers at gaining emblems.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    Whichever role you're best at is probably easier. If you're equally good at both, survivor is probably the easier role to earn emblems with. I can't help you much with killer, since I don't play it often enough to understand the emblem system in depth, but if you need help getting the mission as a survivor I can give you some tips.

    In either case, it's a good idea to read up on how the emblem system works and what actions contribute to it, so that you understand what you need to do in a game in order to earn iridescent emblems. You can find all the necessary information here on the official wiki: https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Emblems

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323


  • yermom
    yermom Member Posts: 155

    Everytime I repair 2 generators, I get 1 iridescent emblem even if I die. So, do that, then try to get others by healing/chasing/surviving? No worries if you die :)

    Or use legion like others have said.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    git gud 🤡

    Jokes aside, I second @twistedmonkey, play Legion with some slow down capabilities (e.g. ruin + pop) and abuse their feral frenzy power to hit as many survivors as you can.

    That's basically a guaranteed iridescent chaser, but for the other 3 emblems.. well, it depends on you.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    Repairing 2 generators solo is one way to get an Iridescent Lightbringer emblem, yes. I would say that Lightbringer is probably the second-easiest survivor category to do well in, surpassed only by Benevolence, in which you can get an Iridescent emblem just by unhooking two survivors safely and healing one of them.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited December 2019

    Iri emblems is definitely easier with killer; I agree with above in that legion is great for this as deviousness is easy to get and has game slow down potential for gatekeeper too.

    If you're any good at killer, I also suggest freddy since he's just an outiright really strong killer that isn't an instadown killer (trapper, billy, bubba suffer when it comes to the chaser emblem as chases are shorter/only one hit is necessary quite a lot)

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    If you're really struggling, Legion might help. You get chaser score each time you hit a survivor, and the shorter your chases, the higher the score. Chaining together a couple frenzy hits will bank you a ton of score. Odds are you'll get an iridescent chaser emblem each time.

    Although I'd recommend playing whatever you're comfortable with first. You might only get one per match as Legion if you don't play them well.

  • yermom
    yermom Member Posts: 155

    That's another option! I avoided that, though. So much competition for unhooks due to challenges. Well, that and getting the killer on your buns... I feel like the killer always goes after me. XD

  • bacon
    bacon Member Posts: 367

    thanks all

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Fair enough. Ultimately, you should do whatever works for you!

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited December 2019

    I think it's a bit harder to get iridescents as killer.

    • The easiest emblem there is the chaser (i think) - all you need to do is get into as many chases as possible and end them as quickly as possible. Stealth killers are best at this, as you can easily get your first hit in less than 10 seconds. Don't commit to long chases, as that hurts your emblem.
    • Gatekeeper is annoying to get, as you'll need to adopt a pretty boring playstyle. Ruin or corrupt intervention and pop are your safety nets
    • The other two are a bit inconsistent for me personally.

    Survivor is easier.

    • For lightbringer just do the equivalent of 2.5 gens and you'll get the iridescent. The best way to ensure a decent amount of time to work on gens in the beginning of the trial is to see where your teammates spawned at the start - if you're all nearby it means that the killer spawned on the other side. You know he'll be heading towards where you spawned, so run towards where you think he spawned and do a gen there (try not to get spotted on your way). He's almost guaranteed to find one of your teammates first, giving you free reign over gens for the first 1-2 minutes. If you spawned on your own, most of the time you're safe to do a gen there.
    • For benevolence i think you need about 2 safe unhooks and 1 heal. Yo'll randomly get some protection hits throughout the trial, which helps. Once you're done genrushing, just try to help teammates as much as you can (saving, healing, taking hits, etc.)
    • For evader - this is difficult unless you're a good runner. Getting into a few chases and losing the killer without getting hit will give you points in this emblem. The longer the chase, the higher the points and the more likely you'll get iridescent
    • For survivor (i forgot the actual name of the emblem), you need to escape without getting hooked - this one is pretty difficult. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to get it as it will keep you from completing the ones that are easier to get - you can get the other 3 without even surviving the trial

    EDIT: For the evader emblem as survivor you don't actually have to lose the killer - just force them to drop chase - i.e. try to create distance and lose line of sight as often as possible

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Try the double G tactic ;)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I believe you only need to do 2 gens for Iridescent Lightbringer, as long as you do them solo. You can also do 1 gen and 5 dull totems (or less if there are hex totems - a hex is worth about 2.5 dulls), or 1 gen, 4 dull totems and an Exit Gate.

    The most lucrative way to get points in Evader is pallet stuns, but those can be hard to land depending on the killer. Generally, as you say, it's very difficult to get Iridescent Evader unless you run the killer around successfully for basically the entire trial.

    Also, I believe "Unbroken" is the name you're looking for for that final emblem 😊

  • bacon
    bacon Member Posts: 367


  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    Now what's your advice for getting these emblems, if you can only get matches against Survivors that are way better at the game than you, and you take forever to find a match playing as Survivor?

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Thanks for the corrections. The point on the dull totems was interesting to learn, as it's new and I didn't know exactly how they work yet.

    Regarding evader, I had a think about this and it's actually not as extreme as having to run the killer around for the entire trial or get a lot of stuns. Creating distance and using line of sight blockers helps you lose chase even if the killer is still on you. That means continuously cycling around tiles instead of looping a single one for an extended amount of time. If you drop "chase" several times in a single chase the game will award you with emblem points each time. I've gotten iridescent plenty of times without having to run the killer for that long.

    Re: Unbroken - thank you.. it was really bothering me, but i was too lazy to check!

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You must be better at being chased than me, then! I still haven't been able to crack the code on that darn Evader emblem, no matter how many times I read the wiki page.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I'm OK at being chased. Maybe my playstyle is more rewarding in terms of emblems than yours :) for example, I'm not good at looping. I'm too clumsy and I keep getting stuck on stuff, so I prefer to use the environment and rely on unpredictability and line of sight more than my ability to hug walls. It's actually worked out

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's more my playstyle as well, when I do get chased, but I tend to go for stealth if I can get away with it. Maybe that's why I have so much trouble with Evader, because it rewards doing well in chases. I wish stealth were a more viable strategy as far as the emblems are concerned.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I'm not sure if I'm right about this, but doesn't unbroken award points for being in the killer's terror radius outside of chase? Even though youre effectively capped at gold on that one, unless you escape unhooked which is rare.. Also, as a stealthy player youre probably pretty consistent at lightbringer and/or benevolent too :)

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    Nope. Evader awards points for being in the terror radius, but they're pretty pitiful compared to the points you can earn in a chase and won't get you anywhere close to an Iridescent emblem.

    Unbroken simply rewards you based on whether or not you escaped, and how well you did. Bronze for dying early, Silver for Dying late, Gold for survivor, Iridescent for surviving without getting downed.

    And yes, Lightbringer and Benevolent are my bread and butter in this game as far as ranking goes.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Fair enough. Maybe I thought that it would make more sense for these points to go into unbroken. I do wish they change up the emblem system soon with individual killer ranks and all that stuff. I'm sure that will come with an overhaul of the survivor system as well, which will hopefully change things up a bit for everyone.