Thanks for killing Oni.

One of the few killers who could resist survivors at rank 1 was mercilessly nerfed and now he has become an ordinary walking slop stock.
Astrologers announced a decrease in Oni appearance in the game by 99.999999%.
Rest in peace, furious friend.
R.I.P 03.12.19-11.12.19
One add on nerfed = dead
Yeah good logic.
54 -
I advise you to re-read the patch patch before writing anything here. OK?
49 -
But have you actually played him with the "hard-cap"? If not I'd advise you to wait before complaining.
10 -
The addon nerf is irrelevant. They nerfed his demon dash flick which was a great tool that made him a really fun killer that can deal with looping in a unique way. Now he kinda can’t use his demon strike inside loops at all. Just another boring M1 killer.
22 -
These are bugs that shouldn't have been in the game first place.
23 -
I need to see a vid of how much was changed since I don’t own him. Can he still 90 degree turn? Has controller actually improved?
1 -
Posts like this are so useless
25 -
Controller play has improved significantly he feels a lot better.
2 -
Maybe you should have read Oni's release patch notes where they stated that his turn-rate was an unintended, known issue. Maybe then this bug fix would have come as no surprise today?
10 -
Wow, if that's true then it seems all those who always downcast us console players concerns because "it's not made for us" can eat crow
5 -
thanks for making him unfun and useless at red ranks.
12 -
Is that what this was referring to: "Fixed an issue that allowed The Oni to rotate faster than intended when using the joysticks during Demon Dash."?
0 -
so this doesn't even effect keyboard and mouse then lol
2 -
Yeah that was the console version of the flick.
0 -
If its about the 90 degree flick with the mouse is gone, then you actually made oni a whole lot worse, no joke like why the #########?
If its about the bug where people could 180 flick with the keyboard/joystick then it is understandable.
5 -
Man, if you think controls are the only problems with the console version you are way off... My main problem would be the frame rate and frequent frame drops. Add on top of that all the glitches everybody else already have to deal with and it can get really bad some times.
But I'll give them that.. they were fast on releasing this improvement for console players, so not complaining on that! =)
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*Deleting until I can get further testing in. I will keep this sumbish viable if it kills me*
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That's because of such decisions, no one will take this killer now. For yourself it’s more expensive to use the ability.
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Yeah I'm hoping the phrasing was just vague. If they removed the 90 degree flick, then I give up.
5 -
What the point of playing this killer ? When i can perform a lot better with Billy ?
Seriously, play your game devs.
15 -
I have over 2,500 hours in this game, the frame rate is massively improved since I first started, and I've adapted to it long ago, so I'm not too hurt that they refuse to fix it. I mean my first favorite killer was Doctor (no relation) and he was atrocious with bugs and just causing all kinds of frame skips etc. But I have heard some players are more affected than others, so I may just be lucky
3 -
Time to change your profile picture to billy i guess :)
3 -
Billy all over again
feels bad ;(
0 -
mercilessly nerfed
Why are there so many querulous drama queens on this forum?
9 -
maybe! I am more affected when playing killer, there is no doubt about it. Yesterday I was playing on the swamp map and twice the game just kind of "skipped"! I even had to stop for a second and think "where am I?"... hahah
Other times the frames drop so much that I just can't keep track of the survivors.
But it's not bad ALL the time, otherwise the game would be unplayable. I still think it's valid to bring this stuff up, not for being negative, but just so the devs know we have problems, you know...
1 -
Oh yeah, I agree. Who knows! If they listened to is and finally made console Oni manageable to play, they may infcat not be completely deaf to us! Exciting times lmao
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Nope, even nerfed he is not more trash than a Doctor for example.
I'm just disappointed they're screwing up the new killers every "hotfix"
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Well, you guys could have made it into a feature for him
You guys even did it for old freddy if I remember correctly, with making the attacking during the recovery when you begin the transition to dream world
1 -
But the flick was existing from the PTB though? Stop nerfing killers devs, the game is getting boring with every update, when it comes to play as the killer.
7 -
Bug fixes and nerfs are two completely different things. The release patch notes specifically mention Oni still being able to rotate faster than intended.
5 -
Ok, then why it wasn't mentioned in PTB patch notes that it wasn't intented, but only now? Like seriously ONLY the nurse and spirit can still handle against the expierienced survivor while other killers can do ######### against them.
1 -
He was a mess on ptb. His pallet breaking animation was legit not even in it so he insta broke pallets. The flick, as mentioned numerous times, was not intended. You are supposed to have a 90 turn at most. This 180 ######### was not intended
3 -
Meh, Even with 180 he was still ez to counter.
2 -
But ok do what you must devs. I guess the community loves playing against only the same two killers over and over again.
2 -
Easy or not it was still unintended.
0 -
I've never even done oni's "flick" he is quite strong without it, and his flick is absolute BS that shouldn't be in the game. They said it was a bug, and fixed it like one. If you are relying on exploits to win with him, then you clearly aren't good enough with him yet.
5 -
I'm using the mouse, with controller sense set to 100% (Because billy at some point ect.) and I'm getting like 10 degrees as well.
1 -
But definitely easier to counter than spirit. Now he's gonna end up like Demo.
1 -
What do you mean "only now"? It's literally right there in his RELEASE patch notes.
It wasn't mentioned on the PTB patch notes because the flick was an unintended BUG discovered by players. That's the purpose of the PTB, for players to test out and discover/report bugs before the release. So it worked exactly as intended.
6 -
Now you're reaching. Logic says that it probably wasn't a known issue at the time of the PTB.
Not that it matters in the slightest since the problem was acknowledged BEFORE he was available for purchase. Anyone who plays a PTB is fully aware the killer could be changed between then and release, and BHVR put everyone on notice the Oni wasn't functioning as intended and would be changed. It's that simple.
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But they're testing the features before they releases the PTB. You wanna tell me that they didn't tested his power before? lol
0 -
What. A. Surprise.
He was clearly too good for this world of crybaby survivors. Now its another boring ######### killer what have no counter to loops at all.
10 -
But the release was from the week ago. At least info about changing him in the upcoming hotfix could be useful though? Like heeeellloooooo
0 -
Combining both a remapped Q + E key and mouse? Yes, they missed that one specific instance of his power. And then they had a PTB and discovered it. Crazy concept?
1 -
ONI is hillbilly needs preparation to use own power, so is completely worse than billy now. Who want to play as him?
4 -
There was no counter, stop complaining about broken things
4 -
You should go play Oni with mouse. It's different now, It feels bad now, and I'm certainly not getting 90 with mouse now. It feels way less than that now.