The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Just remember 1 important thing about current Ruin.

Even with the current "strong" version, Red Rank games are still having most if not all Gens finished by 5-7 minutes.

Obviously this isn't a universal fact of every single match, but it's also still a very common thing. The players won't even waste time looking for Ruin and just ignore it, unless of course they don't find it by accident in the first minute.

Even if I ignore my own matches where this happens, if you watch killer mains at all you'll notice this as well. Watching an Otzdarva or Tru3ta1ent video, they're juggling 1-2 survivors, then some how by the 6 minute mark there's magically only a single gen left. Even when they seemed to have been really keeping the whole survivor team busy the gens just somehow disappear like nothing, and Ruin just stays up as if it's not even working at all.

Imagine what that'll be like when there is no Ruin to stop them. Granted, a lot of people will probably mellow out and won't focus so hard on hitting those great skill checks. But there will still be a minority of survivors who keep at it. With a Toolbox in hand and Great skill checks all around Gens will start melting away like they never even existed.

