Why do the Dev's keep dodging gentimes?

Everytime I see the Dev's tag on questions they always dodge or respond with basic answers. Like seriously we want a post about Gen-times or SWF or about the balance between killers. Instead all they do is reply to comments with answers we don't care about. Or when their being sarcastic to someone insulting them. What is up with that man?

Best Answers



  • Tronicus
    Tronicus Member Posts: 19

    Pretty sure the Devs have said they're not gonna touch gen times.

    And what do you expect them to do with SWF?

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Sure, If there are any killers left to get that info, definitely.

    Or, maybe not though. We shall see.

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2020

    They could tap in a bit of faith on what the vets say... especially the survivor main long time players... I’ve stated to them there needs to be more time even with ruin but sure I understand the compromise with new players... the devs still don’t understand the full story that people throw games at rank 1 intentionally. - mainly for M1 killers.

  • whyareyoutunnelingme
    whyareyoutunnelingme Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2020

    There needs to be some alternative objective. Making gen times longer is not the answer, its already boring enough playing generator repair sim. I think there should be less required gens but another objective between gen completion and exit gates. Maybe finding keys to open the gates?

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Choose your role, then choose your game mode: Normal or Challenge.

    Survivors who choose “Normal” play the game as it is now. Survivors who choose “Challenge” play with significantly longer gen times and get a bp bonus (50%? 100%?)

    Killers are reversed. “Normal puts them in the long gen-time matches, and “Challenge” puts them in the matches as they are today for a bp bonus.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    ☝ This, while it may be difficult to incorporate, I've always thought making the chat audible to nearby players only (either side) would help implement the horror aspect of this game while also encouraging teamwork.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I would mute that thing the second it was put in. If I'm playing solo, I don't want to hear randos with $20 mics screaming about having a purple flashlight or something.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    Why is it so hard for everyone to understand that the problem is that the game is trying to be balanced for SWF and solo which is never going to happen because the communication advantage of SWF means anything you do will screw solo survivors. As a solo survivor I can tell you that it's not survivor sided at all unless you have potato teammates. As killer it's obvious when a team is SWF because it's usually 3 or 4 k easily if not SWF. If one person saw ruin on SWF matches it was toast pretty quickly no matter what you do. They can relay chase info, totem placement, gen locations, and other crucial information where solo can do none of. SWF makes many perks unnecessary and the combining of running the same load out can bully and destroy a good killer and solo go based on their own perk selection with no other info. I usually stay around rank 4 as survivor and just played 10 games with rank 12-15 survivors who were obviously SWF and I am the only one that dies even though I end up with twice as many bloodpoints as everyone else? It's funny I die and get over 20k and the ones that "win" get 12-16k? Probably cause I was the only solo, lol.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    And by my comment of "anything you do " I mean nerfing, buffing, or reworking most perks.

  • Malik1178
    Malik1178 Member Posts: 34

    Honestly i dont think gen speeds are a problem.i think its mainly the map designs and how far apart gens can be or close together gens can be. And half the time its the killers fault for getting gen rushed because they didnt apply enough gen pressure

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158

    The devs are notorious for using perks to unofficially patch issues with the game so I wouldn't expect a direct answer ever, but to be fair it's also a pretty difficult and complex issue to try and tackle. If you make gen speeds are too slow, it gives killers an unfair advantage and is boring for survivors. If gen speeds are too fast, it's unfair to most killers and eventually survivors begin to suffer from low bp scores bc games end too quick. Trying to strike a decent balance that makes the game fair and fun for both sides has gotta be hard to figure out.

  • TheOptimiser
    TheOptimiser Member Posts: 138

    By the time we are waiting to see if the new Ruin is a bust or not(which is so obvious is a bust) nobody would probably play killer anymore...

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    Which is why adding a second objective required to escape, e.g. parts for the generator, maybe parts for the exit gates, is the best answer to genspeed.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    They're wearing blind Steve's glasses.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    You dont play much killer do you? Lol *total sarcasm dont come for me I'm not being an ass* I cant even get map pressure with a SWF. It's disgusting.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    Swf was never intended to make it into the game- the idea was to be "blind" and have to rely on strangers to save you. But SWF saved the game, unfortunately... and Its a MASSIVE reason that survivors are so OP because a SWF can communicate your every move to one another, and you're right about the totem. One sees it and it's gone instantly.. swf needs a rework. It needs a rank limmit on who you can queue with, no more of this rank two 20s and two rank 1s in a group so they can bully and if we could take away mic we should- but we cant.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Let me spell it out:


    Got it? The Devs can't fix an issue they can't see. I play without ruin in red ranks ALL THE TIME. I do not use a single slowdown perk and I do fine. You don't need it.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    Im not afraid about loosing best way to find survivors with gas scavenging. They still need to refuel gens so if you dont find them scavenging for gas tanks, you will find them refueling gens so there will be almost no diference. This is not intended as massive buff to killers but prevention of 4 ppl jump on single gen and finish it before killer can even apply pressure of find survivors.

    Just to say that I was never using old Ruin but I dont like that problem with gen speeds is real and something has to be done.

    Now imagine that you are playing killer, you find first survivor and chase him for 15s when suddenly 2 gens pop. How do you want apply pressure if youl lose gens before applying pressure. Killers then rather go camp or tunnel single kill coz they know that there is literally no way to pressure it.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    It's definitely a factor. Any time you make something that affects generator speeds, you need to think "But what about Ruin?" Being able to balance around a single constant speed is much easier to do, and that way you don't have to worry about leaving the people who don't use it behind while making it excessive for those who do. It's the same philosophy we apply to the solo vs. SWF gap, where we're gradually bringing the two closer together so we can better balance around everyone without leaving people behind.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    It's good to hear (I have more faith now in the upcoming changes you guys may deliver now), but I feel this detail would have been better included in the initial announcement or earlier responses.

    Without this detail, BHVR appear to be doing changes for the wrong reason.

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Okay fair enough...but that can be rectified by simply leaving the area. Don't you think it could be helpful to hear when said 'rando' is in your vicinity? Or as killer, being able to hear SWF's plotting when you're by them?

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I would dislike the game more than I already do if it this mechanic was implemented. SWF's would still use discord, so the killer being able to hear stuff only hurts solos even more if they choose to use it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Ever faced Forever Freddy? or Forever Legion?

    That's a part of it. Holding M1 forever isn't very fun. Now that Ruin is changed perhaps they will look at gen times but I feel like in the longterm they would rather try other ways to slow the game down than simply making gentimes longer.

    Toolboxes could probably be nerfed for a start though. They really aren't needed anymore.

  • Kirito_girl1
    Kirito_girl1 Member Posts: 4

    I don't see anything wrong with gen times and taking away SWF really... What else.... you just want survivors to come in game and stand there and wait to be hooked. If you keep asking for things to be taken away from survivors who do you think is going to continue to play this game. It's a game of skill and I've been against plenty killers in an SWF match where we couldn't get any gens done or only 2 at most. Let the devs fix some of the real issues and glitches with the game so it can be the game we all want to play. Instead of killer/ survivors asking for perks and features to be fixed and reworked. Leave the game alone every time they mess with one thing it screws up something else.... Just play the game.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    With this argument you guys have to nerf Pop, Corrupt and basicly every other genregress or gen protect perk. This is not the solution nerfing a popular anti gen perk to see or monitor the genspeed and find out what it needs to be adjusted. Its not a sarcastic post, I mean that srsly

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Mark my words, neither PT nor Toolboxes will be touched for months, meanwhile multiple killer nerfs will ensue

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    They also didn't think to nerf the other gen pro perks either soooooo this is a weak excuse

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Tha hell are going on about?

    The problem is obviously the emblem.