"Killers have tools to apply pressure"

Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

DEVS SAID: The killers have enough tools to apply pressure. how? Devs, tell me how.

Ok .. I understand you, I have to play with a trapper without being able to set traps, playing dirty, slugging, yeah really fun.

Do we have to apply pressure? Ok, lets play: Billy, Nurse with addons.

What head fits this term: Killers have tools to apply pressure ... tell me how I do it with: Trapper, Clown, GF, Myers, Leatherface etc ... do I have to ... slugging? Play dirty and suck, of course that is the game you are looking for. Keep it up, ignoring the people who have been playing your game for 4 year and focus on new players.

That's all I have to say.

Post edited by Th3Nightmare on


  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Corrupt, does old Ruins job for me just fine, as long as I can get somebody on a hook before gens start popping, i'm good.

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    It’s harder without ruin but with the new doc I find it’s very easy to down someone then slug them down the other person using infectious fright then use my power and if all goes well that’s 3 slugs and if there saved well that’s pressure..besides spirit and trying to learn nurse (on console) I think I’m a slugging doctor main now lol whisperers is a very powerful perk on him aswell

  • Xetoil
    Xetoil Member Posts: 94
    edited January 2020

    I don't want to go into this topic at depth in this comment because it really is a topic you can go into great detail about, but the one thing I see that separates brown/green killers from purple is not how good they are at chasing, its where there priorities are at.

    Priorities which help me win games are:

    • Choosing which gens I can leave and which have to be protected at all costs
    • Choosing which pallets to force the survivor to drop & kick them asap, and which ones to attempt to get a hit at
    • Choosing when to drop a chase and go to gens, and when to follow through and get a hit

    Playing killer at midranks IMO is barely even about chasing, (most survivors at midranks are not going to know every tile so thoroughly that you need to play it in the most precise way) it's about resource management (pallets) and area control (gen priority), and also learning the habits of the individual survivors so you can either catch them out of position (negating a long chase), or beat them at mindgameable pallets.

    On the flip side, a good survivor will lead you on chases in areas which have a lot of pallets, preserve pallets around important gens for use in the late-game, and study how the killer plays/where he is likely to be in order to maximize their time on gens.

    Applying pressure can potentially be summed up as

    • Determine Which gens the survivors are prioritizing (B)
    • Determine Which gens the killer should be prioritizing (A)
    • Destroy all pallets around A/stop the completion of A, whilst delaying the progress of B

    Just want to point out that this is a huge simplification, but its a starting point.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Honestly, I dont care about Gens being done. As long it is under 5 Gens when the Game ends, it is fine, because then I won. I dont use Ruin for a long time so I know that it can be quite fast for the first one or two Gens.

    And regardin DS, BT... Usually I am not that close to the Hook when an Unhook happens, because I am in a Chase with another Survivor. From the stories written here on the Forum it reads like everyone camps and gets confronted with those Perks.

    Regarding Rank 9 Killer and way too good Survivors... thats an MM Issue and HOPEFULLY they fix it.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Simplest answer is: If survivors hold M1 by the gens and don't run away as fast as they can, you will not be able to apply much of a pressure.

    Some survivors will try to "mindgame" you but they always have the safer option of dropping the pallet slightly faster and you have to give up chase or you will never get anyone... and that gives survivors 3 gens for free.

    Also, I thought everyone already knew that slugging is the only way to actually do anything to the mediocre survivors and Adrenaline, DS and Unbreakable is meta so you can only hope to play against bad players.

    BUT HEY, devs fixed the issue of survivors being too good with making every lobby contain two players that know how to play and 2 players that are complete newbies. Newbies will die, good players will survive unless you focus on that good players instead of finishing off potatoes. Fixed.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited January 2020

    I can't speak for everyone else, but as a Myers main, and I gotta say I disagree that he has trouble applying pressure.

    He is legitimately one of the best killers in the game. His Evil Within alone can create a giant snowball effect, not to mention a lot of pressure because you can definitely get people off a gen if they know they are in exposed status.

    I think everything you do, no matter what killer you play. You are never going to be doing the same exact thing when applying pressure if you have an understanding of how the character plays.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    Legion: Doing Legiony things ccc:

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    There must have been some sort of mistake; the post you quoted does not tell you that you should camp at all. Camping is definitely not required.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,206

    The thing with slugging is that slugging allows killer to realistically... just 1 hook entire team. You could in reality make an entire tier-list for killers strength exclusively on slugging and nothing else. If there was no such thing as emblem system, I am sure people would try to play killer in lamest possible way if the scoreboard said victory every time. killers used Hex:Ruin to play in a more fun way that involves going for many chases instead of finding strategies to cheese your opponent as hard as possible. Don't take it personal, but I have less respect for players who use this strategy simply because it's easily one of the most least fun strategies go up against as survivor. Also, when you talked about idea of rebuilding totems, It was more in line to think about how the killer perk NOED works where survivors need break all the totems to disable a powerful effect thus making survivors spend less time on generator and more time going on a totem hunt if said effect bothered them. With the new Hex:ruin, It almost feels like you don't really notice the effect even when the perk is in play. Since the other perk need to be earned before they take effect, they get disable before they make an impact in the match or the match ends before it impacts the match. I suppose people are going to have to play more lame if the opponent is competent so I guess it is whatever.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Why should you care if you doing your objective annoys the survivors? Survivors bring in multiple toolboxes, pallet stun and blind the killer, and do gens as fast as they can, all without regards to how the person playing Killer feels. So what if they flame you, it's an internet game that has no baring on your life unless you're a full time streamer who makes money playing it. Even then, they too, ignore the stupid comments because they realize that it's just a sad little idiot behind the text.

    If you have to play dirty, so be it. It is not your job to make the game fun for your opponent- that's the Devs job. Do what you have to, if it gets boring, try a different killer, play survivor, or take a break from the game.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422

    Applying pressure doesn't mean you have to be able to defend every generator on the map. If they get two generators quickly on the other side of the map, it really shouldn't affect your game, especially if you're playing your killer correctly.

    It's fairly straight forward how to apply pressure with everyone you listed. Running aimlessly back and forth all over the map isn't going to help.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    That's not quite pressure is it? You are talking about one on the hook already but that really isnt the complaint people have. Its the starting 2 or so minutes into the game, because if one persons on the hook and you slug someone, thats... I mean, it "technically" is applying pressure but if the answer to "How do we apply pressure?" Is "Just hook someone and slug the rest" then why do we care about frustration for anyone else. Yeah ruin wasnt my cup of tea per say but if pressure should only come from killer actions (hooking slugging) then shouldnt eblems reflect.that? Maybe give more bloodpoint for slugging people or multiple people down at a time? Again im no game dev i just wanna ask cause you are active in this thread 👍

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    Well, even though I can see your point on being able to apply pressure on Survivors by getting hook and chases on separate parts of the map forcing the other Survivors to go rescue, this only works if they let it.

    I always remember one match where I was playing Trapper on some of the Coldwind maps (almost certain was Rotten Fields or Fractured Cowshed) and was doing really good getting traps on important places while keeping some gens until this happens: I chase one for about 30 seconds and down him, hook on one side of the map, get one other Survivor on a trap on the other side of the map, get there and hook him and as I was walking back to patrolling 2 gens pop on the same time.

    The match was a 3 man escape after that and I was there standing, trying to figure out what I could do to apply more pressure while still playing fair and all.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    By the time one survivor is hooked in red ranks that's two to three gens it seems peanits isn't taking into account kindred which lets them know you're nearby so lose one survivor for a three man escape

  • Waish
    Waish Member Posts: 30

    This post just goes to show just how little the devs know about their own game. The example You gave is based on the survivors making mistakes if the survivors haven't gotten 2-3 gens done by the time you've downed a survivor since new ruin is trash and unless you're nurse spirit or hillbilly. Survivors can easily run the killer around for 2-3 gens and if you leave that survivor then they start working on a gen. Then you'd have to camp to down the survivor going for the save which the survivor would have to really mess up getting hit twice and they usually have BT so the person unhooked is completely safe and the killer had just been punished for camping because it takes away emblem points and if the killer camped the survivors could of just gotten the rest of the gens done in the time it takes for the person on the hook to die. It is possible that you managed to get the scenario you said but the survivors would have to be bad not the killer has to be good. Also all that time you took to build that pressure the 4th survivor can just pick up the downed guy and unhook the other and all that pressure is gone in less than a minute. There is no way anymore to pressure survivors unless you're playing nurse, hillbilly or spirit or the survivors make a lot of mistakes. Plus side note how did anyone think new ruin was even close to a good idea. A HEX perk made for late game when totem spawns are still horrible, in my exlerience hex totems spawn more in sight from gens than even remotely hidden. Old hex ruin that got destroyed in the first 30 seconds is still leagues better than new ruin. Almost everyone said it was a bad idea but it still went through. That showed that the devs pick through the feedback and pay attention only to the ones who say they're doing a good job 24/7 instead of the people who actually invest time and money in the game. I just wish the devs would learn their own game and start actually making good decisions for the game even playing survivor is so ez it's boring now. There's no gratification for winning as survivor anymore especially with the ruin change making it so quick and ez I don't even have time to enjoy it

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Speaking about chill play arround r15 when on avarage there is one or two survivors who are decent and others are just familiar with the very basics of the game - all killers can apply pressure by simply picking chases wisely.

    Speaking about facing good survivors or sweaty swf - only Hillbilly (better against decent survivors) and Freddy (better against good survivors) have enough mobility and can be dangerous enough when doing mistakes to apply pressure. Demogorgon and Nurse are close but not quite there. Ofc God Nurse is lethal threat but not mobile on bigger maps now.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    This is a result of you not applying pressure. Sometimes you need to stop chasing someone. If you spend that much time in a chase, chase someone else.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    Sry i dont put the pig on the list.

    What head fits this term: Killers have tools to apply pressure ... tell me how I do it with: Trapper, Clown, GF, Myers, Leatherface etc ... do I have to ... slugging? Play dirty and suck, of course that is the game you are looking for. Keep it up, ignoring the people who have been playing your game for 4 year and focus on new players.

    the pig really has tools .. but are they effective? Your traps is the biggest RNG crap in the game, most of the game traps are eliminated at 1 attempt.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    Yeah the traps of Pig are..... very RNG.

    What head fits this term: Killers have tools to apply pressure ... tell me how I do it with: Trapper, Clown, GF, Myers, Leatherface etc ... do I have to ... slugging? Play dirty and suck, of course that is the game you are looking for. Keep it up, ignoring the people who have been playing your game for 4 year and focus on new players.

    The pig really has tools .. but are they effective? Your traps is the biggest RNG crap in the game, most of the game traps are eliminated at 1 attempt.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    See, this is the point. For me and alot of other Killers old Ruin (if it wasn't cleansed instantly because it just spawned right next to a gen) gave us the TIME to play more fair, going through the potential 12 hooks, which was also more fun for everyone in the trial.

    Now we're forced to skip most chases as we just don't have the TIME to go for 12 hooks, at least it's a really potatoe team. On the other hand i know from exp most of the survivors prefer getting slugged then getting tunneld. But i don't think they have fun if they're getting downed after a 5sec. chase because they're outpositioned and then just getting one hooked. Just think about that.

    Ofc you can get a 4K most of the time playing like that. But you will also have most likely at least 1-2 DCs in this round, because it's not fun for the survivors. And most likely it will be a draw, at least in the higher ranks. If that's all intended i'm fine as Killer and idc about survivors having fun anymore.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    In deadzones, yeah; but at Long Walls, TL's, and the ungodly amount of God Loops, and Killer shack-

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I mean, if I lose, I go to the next game.

    OR I can come and cry on the Forum. But I prefer the first option (after insulting all the Survivors and their mothers, of course. Because this is important in DBD)

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    Hey, I was just bringing a Reality Check your proposal; which I Wish was That Easy

  • WildEST19XXcarD
    WildEST19XXcarD Member Posts: 7

    I actually just had this same conversation earlier with someone on the xbox. I played really well as the but still came out with a black pip. It was great! They first started off telling me I need to play the games standard. But there's not really a set standard for each killer.

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    That's literally the only way I could intercept someone going for the save. Rank 1 survivors aren't going to stupidly run past me to get the unhook unless they're about to change states. I'm going to go after my bbq aura hits or hit up the last areas I saw survivors in, and whoever's nearby is going to get the hook save because they wait for me to leave the area. Rank 1 doesn't have time to camp or linger around the hook because I gotta go chase those little shits off of gens that fly by at the speed of sound.