Why do killers get banned and survivors don't?

I have been playing dbd for going on 3 years now and its been really fun. I'm a legion main but i do play both sides A LOT and I've noticed that whenever there is a perk or add-on bug in dbd the devs say only killers will get banned. For example, infinite legion was a thing a people did it a bit. But then the devs say killers will get banned if they do it. However when dead hard could get survivors too unreachable areas or the wake-up bug or when survivors could launch themselves into say the combine in coldwind maps or when a survivor uses the hook exploit to be untouchable. The devs never said a survivor will get banned for it. So why do killers get banned for using a bug but survivors don't?
Best Answer
There was a time where survivor could exploit points on the map which were completely unreachable for the killer to take the whole game hostage. I'v experienced it myself.
Back then it was well known, that survivors who used such exploits would receive bans.
Survivors are where the money is at in the eyes of the devs
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Killers are nothing more than AI to the devs.
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I'd like to know where you got the stats that no survivors have ever been banned ever.
Content creators (not an anecdote, actual proof) have been banned for using exploits too.
They don't consider the hook tech as an exploit, but it's something they want to patch eventually. That is very different from say infinite mending literally not letting survivors play the game.
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If it is something they didn't intent to be there and plan to remove, then it is an exploit. They just don't consider exploits that hurt the killer's experience as a priority.
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I think no one should ever get banned for exploits. Its devs fault, not players. When there is game breaking exploit, then devs should give safety pips to everyone so no one gets hurt and then fix it as fast as possible. Or temporarily ban the bugged feature until its fixed. Thats all.
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Please tell me a time when the devs said If a surivor does this exploit the will get banned
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i agree
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That's literally not true. Survivors have been banned for using Survivor exploits, so clearly there is some proof that the devs care about killers. I know that goes against the typical narrative of these forums, but it's true! The devs are capable of caring about both sides! Crazy, right?
It's a feature in the game for now. Plenty of things in the game are bugs that turned into features. Moonwalking wasn't intended, but is it an exploit? No. You can't consider everything unintentional an exploit.
Also, fun fact, a survivor doing the hook tech actually benefits the killer. They either get to camp 2 people at the same time, or you can still walk to the side and hit the survivor. They aren't actually invincible back there like you might think. But if you want to play it safe, just sit there and wait. The teammate either dies or he goes for the save and you can grab/get a free down on the rescuer. All while only 2 people max are on generators.
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Various content creators have been banned before for using an exploit. Feel free to look it up. There's literally documented survivor bans that you guys just seem to ignore to fit the narrative. It's silly.
Here's an exploit that people got banned for on Swamp:
Killer was stuck on top of the Survivor and couldn't move. People were banned for doing this.
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Abusing unreachable areas as Survivor is bannable, remember the Distrurbed Ward one in like 2017?
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No true....killers are brain dead husks, they are suppose to hold the other hand if the survivors (devs hold the other) and walk the survivors to the gates.
In the devs eyes of course.
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Sadly, killer mains won't ever look at the proof and prefer the direct approach - harassing survivor players into committing suicide.
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Killers can receive up to 4 reports a game, survivors look for any reason to report killers, and if you dare to use a "toxic" strategy you're almost guaranteed to get one.
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The team that handles reports doesn't just ban people for face camping or slugging. I have yet to see this happen.
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Idk where you got that bs info from lmao,there have been various exploits that survs could abuse before and would get banned for.
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I do not miss those days -.-
Sad but true
The only reason were here is because they can't program an AI to do our jobs. I'm sure they are trying to though.
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No, no, no, they are just going to keep it as is and hide the killers profile at end game lobby.
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Where do you think they get the money from?
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For the record, in the Dead Hard example you gave, people who abused that to hold the game hostage or avoid being downed/hooked were banned if they were reported.
As someone who used to dish out in-game bans, I can safely say that nobody on the ACM team cares which side you play. If you are breaking the rules, we will happily ban you all the same.
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What happened to gen jake?
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-coughs- Ochido 😂
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I only know of one instance that killer was threatened with ban - and that was the Legion infinite mend bug with certain the add-on combination. And this was only after it was warned in a big splash screen when you started the game and yet people did it anyway that risked ban.
When Tinkerer was broken where the TR could vanish the entire game there was no threat of bans. In fact I don't know of any perks where ban was threatened for using them.
Now they will ban on blatant exploiting regardless of survivor or killer, but some sort of video evidence would be needed or the accumulation of many reports over many games by many players.
Do you have other examples - cause like I mentioned, the perk Tinkerer was not banned, but I am fairly certain that any video evidence of a survivor exploiting Dead Hard would of been acted on. Have you got any proof this did not happen?
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I miss the guy. I think personal life stuff happened if I'm not mistaken?
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I've had friends get banned for both and seen plenty of forums complaining about it. My friend also held a survivor in a corner as pig to secure a mori when all gens were popped and the other 3 survivors were leaving. This was his last ebony and got zero kills with it so he didn't want it to go to waste. When the other 3 finally left he downed the survivor. Survivor DC/s as he gets mori'd. My friend wakes up the next day to a 2 week ban. This combined with general survivor bias and toxicity leads to him quitting DBD and going to Apex instead. You're not omniscient.
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And another conspiracy. Its getting ridicouless.
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Because they want to cater to survivors for profit