Which Survivor do you think is the Smartest and would last the longest in the Entitys Realm?

I personally think Laurie is the smartest and most resourceful.
Lasting in the entity's realm is a test of will, not smarts.
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As you mentioned Laurie is extremely smart when it comes to survival
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Being hunted by the killers
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Bill, military Vet
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Probably ash I mean... he survived an army of the dead!
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lol true but dumb luck can only carry you so far.
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If Ash would be as lucky as he were in ED franchise then my bet would be him .
Also Jake since he literally has been surviving in the wilderness on his own .
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Most likely Bill. I mean c'mon he endured the zombie apocalypse.
Other than Bill, I think Tapp would survive a while. His police training probably gives him a leg up over the others.
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Bill is old and smokes so his health and cardio are questionable if you ask me
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No... it's Ash... what else needs to be said? I grew up enjoying those movies... don't take nostalgy away from me!
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And he also fought hordes upon hordes of the undead
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Lmao hey I love those movies to and the tv show. But he mainly survives on dumb luck.
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he also died to the undead
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He sacrificed himself against a horde of tanks, whilst he killed other tanks before his death
With his knowledge of firearms and everything else he learned in the military, he would easily last a long time here
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I don't see no guns laying around. Bill is too old to beat up Trapper but he might could take Pigg
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True but he has no guns. I honestly think Bill would die at some point sacrificing himself to save another.
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Disregarding people like Ash and Laurie who have the power of being a movie protagonist magically enhancing their survival skills—I would say Jake, since this is his element. He’s never gone against psycho killers, sure, but being an off-the-grid survivalist, the dangers of the wilderness would be a good preparation tool. He’s had about as much practice as he can receive for a situation like this, and he’s entirely accustomed to it.
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I love the name dude
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If we’re going off smart as in survival skills and knowledge then i’d go with Jake. His lore says that he’s literally a survivalist and can make do with whatever his surroundings offer. Plus he doesn’t seem like the type to worry about others so he’s a lone wolf really.
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Laurie easily. Bill and Ash would as well.
If we are talking non-licensed characters I gotta go with Jake or Kate.
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Claudette. She’s intelligent enough to not be seen by the killer and wait for the hatch.
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Laurie and Ash for obvious reasons. Both have survived pure evil multiple times in the movies.
Bill for being a war vet.
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This portal is ######### RAW
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Legion, killers still haven't caught on
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Ok in terms of chased. Whos your money on?
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Fair point
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That would probably be David, Bill, Laurie and Jake, I mean at least one of their three perks is meta and you almost see at least one or two of them on every build at red ranks.
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I would also add David to the possible survivors, he is a fighter, he gets up when the world kicks him down and is so confident that he starts the game injured only for the extra challenge
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Agree about Tapp. He's got the training to deal with intense and stressful situations. Self defense training and could probably coordinate the other survivors better than Dwight. Second survivor would probably be Jake with his wilderness survival training and his ability to fly under the radar with iron will and calm spirit.
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I can see why people are choosing Jake.
He's a close third imo.
But again, Bill and Tapp have more training handling dangerous situations, so they're still at the top.
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Feng Min
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I also thought of Laurie. She knows what to do from experience so she will probably survive the longest. Meg and Claudette are also good since Meg is a runner and claud knows science and can heal people using her knowledge. But Laurie is n1
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You know what. Adam Francis, this dude went to school, and was always reading books. I'm sure he knows a lot about surviving.
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Whichever girl is the last one alive. That one.
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We dont have anything to back most characters up except the ones from movies, so I have to say Laurie as well
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Tapp sucks. He got killed in the first movie by Jigsaw's lamest assistant.
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Clearly its Vigo DUHHH
He made his own shrouds and stuff
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Bill is old, and already dead. So Death doesn't scare him. He has nothing to lose.
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If you mean which one of the surivors would escape lorewise, I put my money on Laurie. She has brains made for survival in such conditions.
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How long do you think the other survivors would have lasted in the same situation?
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Tbf you have to wonder how many of them would've been on Jigsaws list to begin with.
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Those are 2 different questions. The smartest isn't necessarily the one that survives.
And it's Ash. Luck just doesn't stop working with him.
Will he also get himself into way more trouble than necessary? Yes. But it will somehow work in the end.
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You have done a great service sir
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Who's the smartest?
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Thats a matter of perspective really.
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Dwight, obviously. He could hide in lockers and force the killer to search endlessly. And, if it are a smart Dwight, change lockers from time to time to keep making the killer second guess themselves.
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General knowledge...maybe Claudette. Curious people just know stuff...you know?
Book smart, Adam.
Street smart, Nea.
People smart, Ace
Survival smart, Jake
But I'm absolutely sure it isn't Ash in any of the ones that should matter... but he will somehow survive.
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Is this a cop out because you don't want to tell the Adam main the actual smartest is Laurie?