The Winter 2020 "Guess the Killer's Name" Competition!

Wow, it's that time already. According to the dev stream (thanks for the summary @Fibijean), the PTB will be here as soon as next week, which means we only have one weekend to guess... who is next?
The "rules" are simple; guess the new killer's "The" name before they're officially announced and win bragging rights until the next season. Feel free to choose the same guess as someone else, or pick multiple names, but just don't go through half the dictionary.
Now a quick nod to our previous winners, which was a lot of people last time around!
👑 NoShinyPony
🏆️ MedicSpirit7
🏆️ Cussock
🏆️🏆️ PhantomMask20763
🏆️ Science_Guy
🏆️ MegaWaffle
🏆️ Okapi
🏆️ SpookyJeff
🏆️ TheLastGreatStar
🏆️ UsagiDoll
🏆️ Karltastisk
🏆️ Andreyu44
🏆️ BBQnDemogorgon
🏆️ Mc_Harty
🏆️ Mikeadatrix
We don't have too much to go on for this chapter. Who knows, maybe there's also an obscure hint hidden in a corner of the game no one will ever check. But otherwise, we just have the teaser trailer this time:
I'll start us off with the obvious... The Prisoner.
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The Dominatrix
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Post edited by Alice_pbg on8
The Cooooole Train!
*chainsaw noises intensify*
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The Sheriff
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The Monster.
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The Brute
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The Pianist.
It's actually some dude chained to a piano and he uses grand symphonies.....TO KILL
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Will you tell us if we do?
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The Rider.
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The Wrecker
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The Cenobite (I realize it was already suggested - but this is the correct spelling)
Otherwise I'd go with "The Pinhead" or "The Creature". Both are Hellraiser references.
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The sinner
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The Monster
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The sinner
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The Shackled
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Based off the map leak, The Gunslinger.
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The inmate
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The convict
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The Cenobite.
If it's not Pinhead then maybe the Monster, the Beast, or the Freak.
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The Chained
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The Masochist. Come on at least some of you were thinking this.
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The Hunger
As in a hungry werewolf.
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The Chatterer (HELLRAISER III)
Post edited by Th3Nightmare on1 -
The Unchained
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The Beast
Post edited by Zenro on3 -
The Unleashed
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The beast
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"Pin this." Nice hint you sneaky survivor you. Pinhead it is. ;)
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The fettered
The unfettered
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The Fallen
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The guy with the chain
FR, The Captured
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The Brute
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Yeah, me too!!! :D
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I'm Calling The Houndmaster
I just think it'd be neat.
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The Chained =p
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The hell Priest -formal title
The engineer -after loosing human half
The curious explorer -og guy
The mazes torturer -dbd spin
Yea I think its pinhead.
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The Prowler
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The Prisoner/Convict
The Grudge
The Chain(ed)
The Titan/Giant
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The Khaleesi
All joking aside, I think it would be cool to have a chain gang type killer from the late 1800's to early 1900's.
I hope its not pinhead. I never cared for the hellraiser movies, and pinhead was always a lame character.
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The Broken
The Suffering
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The Convict, same as Prisoner but it is a C word.
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The Legend
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The Brute
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The Convict
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The Wolf
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As the Sheriff has already been done, ill say The Broken
edit: didnt see broken had also been done, ergh
maybe The tainted then
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I want it to be pinhead so bad, But i think it will be an original chapter.
so here is my prediction:
The berzerker
since its most likely a killer that will go nuts and smash things :P